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Curious about Actual VMware VCAP (3V0-22.21) Exam Questions?

Here are sample VMware Advanced Deploy VMware vSphere 7.x (3V0-22.21) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more VMware VCAP (3V0-22.21) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

The security team has decided to follow the VMware-recommended best practices in the vSphere hardening guide.


Your first task is to create a local user in esxi02b:

* Name: SpecialUser

* Role: Administrator

Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty.

Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.

Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty.

Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.

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