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Curious about Actual VMware VCP (2V0-11.24) Exam Questions?

Here are sample VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 Administrator (2V0-11.24) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more VMware VCP (2V0-11.24) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

An administrator is preparing to deploy VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle using SDDC Manager.

Which three are prerequisites for deploying Aria Suite Lifecycle? (Choose three.)

Correct : A, B, E

Ensure that a custom SSL certificate specifying the FQDN of the appliance is available: A custom SSL certificate for the FQDN of the Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance is required for secure communication between components.

Ensure that the NTP and DNS settings specified in SDDC Manager are valid for all management components: Accurate NTP and DNS settings are crucial for time synchronization and proper domain resolution in the environment.

Ensure the VMware Software Install Bundle for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle is in the local bundle repository: The required software bundle must be available in the local repository to ensure successful deployment.

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Question 2

A Cloud Administrator has been tasked with verifying all of the prerequisites are in place prior to deploying VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. The following information has been provided for the Aria Suite Lifecycle implementation:

hostname: lcm

domain: vcf.company.com

IP address:

IP gateway:

Which two items must the Cloud Administrator ensure are available prior to deploying VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle? (Choose two.)

Correct : C, D

A DNS A record is necessary to resolve the hostname (lcm.vcf.company.com) to the specified IP address ( so that it can be correctly accessed during the deployment.

A DNS PTR record is required for reverse DNS lookup, which ensures proper identification of the IP address ( to the hostname (lcm.vcf.company.com), which is important for network validation during the deployment process.

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Question 3

What is the first step in downloading the vSphere CLI tools to a developer workstation?

Correct : C

The first step in downloading the vSphere CLI tools is to visit the VMware Downloads page, where the vSphere CLI tools are available. From there, you can select the appropriate version for your environment and begin the download process.

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Question 4

An administrator is tasked with troubleshooting an issue where some VMs are not appearing in the vCenter inventory after a recent migration to a new vSphere environment.

Which two components should the administrator examine to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)

Correct : C, D

If the hardware version of the virtual machines is incompatible with the new vSphere environment, the VMs may not appear or may fail to register properly. Ensuring compatibility between the VM hardware version and the vSphere environment is essential for successful VM migration.

If the VMs are not correctly registered in the new vSphere environment after migration, they won't show up in the vCenter inventory. Checking the registration status helps to identify if this is the issue.

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Question 5

An administrator needs to delete and re-deploy an NSX Edge cluster that was originally deployed from SDDC Manager and has downloaded the edge cleaner tool.

Where should the administrator run the tool to complete this task?

Correct : C

The NSX Edge Cleaner tool is typically run on the Edge cluster node VM(s) to clean up the previous configuration and ensure that the node(s) are properly removed before re-deploying the NSX Edge cluster. This process helps to reset the environment and remove any leftover configurations that may affect the re-deployment.

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