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Curious about Actual VMware Certified Technical Associate (1V0-71.21) Exam Questions?

Here are sample VMware Associate VMware Application Modernization (1V0-71.21) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more VMware Certified Technical Associate (1V0-71.21) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What are two goals of Kubernetes in regards to containers? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, C

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Question 2

What are two features of Tanzu Application Catalog? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, D

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Question 3

If a Kubernetes Pod cannot be scheduled, where can the reason be found?

Correct : B

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Question 4

What two problems do containers solve? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, D

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Question 5

Which command can be used to build a container image?

Correct : C

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