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Here are sample Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin (SPLK-1003) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin (SPLK-1003) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What type of Splunk license is pre-selected in a brand new Splunk installation?

A. Free license B. Forwarder license

Correct : C

A Splunk Enterprise trial license gives you access to all the features of Splunk Enterprise for a limited period of time, usually 60 days1.After the trial period expires, you can either purchase a Splunk Enterprise license or switch to a Free license1.

A Splunk Enterprise Free license allows you to index up to 500 MB of data per day, but some features are disabled, such as authentication, distributed search, and alerting2.You can switch to a Free license at any time during the trial period or after the trial period expires1.

A Splunk Enterprise Forwarder license is used with forwarders, which are Splunk instances that forward data to other Splunk instances.A Forwarder license does not allow indexing or searching of data3.You can install a Forwarder license on any Splunk instance that you want to use as a forwarder4.

A Splunk Enterprise commercial end-user license is a license that you purchase from Splunk based on either data volume or infrastructure. This license gives you access to all the features of Splunk Enterprise within a defined limit of indexed data per day (volume-based license) or vCPU count (infrastructure license).You can purchase and install this license after the trial period expires or at any time during the trial period1.

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Question 2

Given a forwarder with the following outputs.conf configuration:

[tcpout : mypartner]

Server =

[tcpout : hfbank]

server = inputsl . mysplunkhfs . corp : 9997 , inputs2 . mysplunkhfs . corp : 9997

Which of the following is a true statement?

Correct : A

The outputs.conf file defines how forwarders send data to receivers1.You can specify some output configurations at installation time (Windows universal forwarders only) or the CLI, but most advanced configuration settings require that you edit outputs.conf1.

The [tcpout:...] stanza specifies a group of forwarding targets that receive data over TCP2.You can define multiple groups with different names and settings2.

The server setting lists one or more receiving hosts for the group, separated by commas2.If you specify multiple hosts, the forwarder load balances the data across them2.

Therefore, option A is correct, because the forwarder will send data to both inputsl.mysplunkhfs.corp:9997 and inputs2.mysplunkhfs.corp:9997, even if is unreachable.

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Question 3

Syslog files are being monitored on a Heavy Forwarder.

Where would the appropriate TRANSFORMS setting be deployed to reroute logs based on the event message?

Correct : A

A Heavy Forwarder is a Splunk instance that can parse and filter data before forwarding it to another Splunk instance, such as an indexer1.A Heavy Forwarder can also perform index-time field extractions using the TRANSFORMS setting2.

The TRANSFORMS setting is used to configure data transformations in the transforms.conf file3.The transforms.conf file contains settings and values that you can use to configure host and source type overrides, anonymize sensitive data, route events to different indexes, create index-time and search-time field extractions, and set up lookup tables3.

The TRANSFORMS setting can be deployed to the Heavy Forwarder where the syslog files are being monitored, so that the logs can be rerouted based on the event message before they are forwarded to the indexer2.This can improve the performance and efficiency of data processing and indexing2.

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Question 4

Which Splunk component(s) would break a stream of syslog inputs into individual events? (select all that apply)

Correct : C, D

The correct answer is C and D. A heavy forwarder and an indexer are the Splunk components that can break a stream of syslog inputs into individual events.

A universal forwarder is a lightweight agent that can forward data to a Splunk deployment, but it does not perform any parsing or indexing on the dat

a. A search head is a Splunk component that handles search requests and distributes them to indexers, but it does not process incoming data.

A heavy forwarder is a Splunk component that can perform parsing, filtering, routing, and aggregation on the data before forwarding it to indexers or other destinations. A heavy forwarder can break a stream of syslog inputs into individual events based on the line breaker and should linemerge settings in the inputs.conf file1.

An indexer is a Splunk component that stores and indexes data, making it searchable. An indexer can also break a stream of syslog inputs into individual events based on the props.conf file settings, such as TIME_FORMAT, MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD, and line_breaker2.

A Splunk component is a software process that performs a specific function in a Splunk deployment, such as data collection, data processing, data storage, data search, or data visualization.

Syslog is a standard protocol for logging messages from network devices, such as routers, switches, firewalls, or servers. Syslog messages are typically sent over UDP or TCP to a central syslog server or a Splunk instance.

Breaking a stream of syslog inputs into individual events means separating the data into discrete records that can be indexed and searched by Splunk. Each event should have a timestamp, a host, a source, and a sourcetype, which are the default fields that Splunk assigns to the data.

1: Configure inputs using Splunk Connect for Syslog - Splunk Documentation

2: inputs.conf - Splunk Documentation

3: How to configure props.conf for proper line breaking ... - Splunk Community

4: Reliable syslog/tcp input -- splunk bundle style | Splunk

5: Configure inputs using Splunk Connect for Syslog - Splunk Documentation

6: About configuration files - Splunk Documentation

[7]: Configure your OSSEC server to send data to the Splunk Add-on for OSSEC - Splunk Documentation

[8]: Splunk components - Splunk Documentation

[9]: Syslog - Wikipedia

[10]: About default fields - Splunk Documentation

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Question 5

Which of the following is a valid method to create a Splunk user?

Correct : C

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