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Curious about Actual Splunk Core Certified User (SPLK-1001) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Splunk Core Certified User (SPLK-1001) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Splunk Core Certified User (SPLK-1001) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

In the Fields sidebar, what does the number directly to the right of the field name indicate?

Correct : C

Explanation/Reference: Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/SearchTutorial/Usefieldstosearch

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Question 2

What is the default lifetime of every Splunk search job?

Correct : D


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Question 3

Which search will return the 15 least common field values for the dest_ip field?

Correct : C

Explanation/Reference: Reference: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/41928/add-a-lookup-csv-colum-information-to-the-results-ofa-inputlookup-search.html

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Question 4

When is an alert triggered?

Correct : D





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Question 5

What are Splunk alerts based on?

Correct : B

Splunk alerts are based on searches that run on a schedule or in real time. You can use alerts to monitor for and respond to specific events or conditions in your dat

a. Alerts use a saved search to look for events in real time or on a schedule. Alerts trigger when search results meet specific conditions.You can use alert actions to respond when alerts trigger, such as sending an email, running a script, or creating a ticket1.

You can create alerts from the Search app, the Alerts page, or the Dashboards app.You can also use the Splunk Web framework to create custom alert actions using Python or JavaScript1.

Dashboards, webhooks, and reports are not the basis for Splunk alerts, although they can be related to them. Dashboards are collections of views that display data visually in a variety of ways.You can add alert panels to dashboards to show the status of your alerts2. Webhooks are a type of alert action that send HTTP POST requests to a specified URL when an alert triggers.You can use webhooks to integrate Splunk alerts with external systems or applications3. Reports are saved searches that include additional attributes such as a visualization type, permissions, and an optional description. You can create reports from search results and add them to dashboards as panels. You can also use reports as the basis for scheduled or real-time alerts.


Getting started with alerts

Add an alert panel to a dashboard

Use webhooks with Splunk Enterprise

[Create and edit reports]

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