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Curious about Actual SolarWinds SCP Network Performance Monitor (NPM) Exam Questions?

Here are sample SolarWinds SCP Network Performance Monitor (NPM) (SCP-NPM) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP-NPM) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Capacity planning is available for which metrics?

Correct : B

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Question 2

How are Orion agents licensed?

Correct : D

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Question 3

NetPath can analyze paths to which network segments?

Correct : D

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Question 4

You can apply Universal Device Pollers to which object types? (Choose all that apply.)

Correct : A, B, C

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Question 5

Your network has critical devices on the opposite side of a WAN link from you SolarWinds server. You do not want alerts about the devices if the router (name = ''target'') that connects your SolarWinds server to the remote site is down. How do you configure Alert Suppression?

Correct : C

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