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Curious about Actual SAP Certified Associate (C_TS414_2021) Exam Questions?

Here are sample SAP Certified Associate - SAP S/4HANA Quality Management (C_TS414_2021) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more SAP Certified Associate (C_TS414_2021) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You can user business application programing interface (BAPIs) for different tests Which of the following statements describes a BAPI?

Correct : D

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Question 2

When an inspection plan includes multiple group counter, what determines the unit of measure ?

Correct : B

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Question 3

During an in process inspection for production orders, such as inspection type 09, which inventory posting is possible?

Correct : C

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Question 4

When you post a good receipt, where does the system check the current inspection stage for a material/vendor combination for upcoming inspection .

Correct : A

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Question 5

After you create customer master records, you define second inspection related default specification in the ....

Which of the followings options can you use to control when the quality inspection take place (2 correct ans)

Correct : C, D

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