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Curious about Actual SAP Certified Associate (C_THINK1_02) Exam Questions?

Here are sample SAP Certified Associate - Design Thinking (C_THINK1_02) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more SAP Certified Associate (C_THINK1_02) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What are four questions that are useful to ask during the ciesignthinking process? (another variation to the design thinking process)

Note: There are 4 correct answers to this question.

Correct : A, B, C, E

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Question 2

What is inspiration (Emphasize), Ideation (Create), Implementation (test)?

Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.

Correct : B

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Question 3

The concept of design thinking aligns with many of the facets of:

The Practice of Entrepreneurship (it incorporates the core elements of the practice and the essential skills of play, empathy, reflection, creation, and experimentation)

Correct : B

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Question 4

______________________enhances networking, plays role in effective leadership, promotes team building, and helps us understand not only how, but why people think and feel as they do.

Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.

Correct : C

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Question 5

The design thinking process is linear.

Correct : B

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