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Curious about Actual RedHat RHCE (EX294) Exam Questions?

Here are sample RedHat Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (EX294) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more RedHat RHCE (EX294) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

In /home/sandy/ansible/ create a playbook called logvol.yml. In the play create a logical volume called Iv0 and make it of size 1500MiB on volume group vgO If there is not enough space in the volume group print a message "Not enough space for logical volume" and then make a 800MiB Iv0 instead. If the volume group still doesn't exist, create a message "Volume group doesn't exist" Create an xfs filesystem on all Iv0 logical volumes. Don't mount the logical volume.

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Question 2

Create a file in /home/sandy/ansible/ called report.yml. Using this playbook, get a file called report.txt (make it look exactly as below). Copy this file over to all remote hosts at /root/report.txt. Then edit the lines in the file to provide the real information of the hosts. If a disk does not exist then write NONE.

EX294 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 1

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Question 3

Create a playbook called packages.yml that:


--> Installs the php and mariadb packages on hosts in the dev, test, and prod host


--> Installs the Development Tools package group on hosts in the dev host group.

--> Updates all packages to the latest version on hosts in the dev host group.

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Question 4

Install the RHEL system roles package and create a playbook called timesync.yml that:

--> Runs over all managed hosts.

--> Uses the timesync role.

--> Configures the role to use the time server ( Hear in redhat lab

use "classroom.example.com" )

--> Configures the role to set the iburst parameter as enabled.

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Question 5

Create an Ansible vault to store user passwords as follows:

* The name of the vault is valut.yml

* The vault contains two variables as follows:

- dev_pass with value wakennym

- mgr_pass with value rocky

* The password to encrypt and decrypt the vault is atenorth

* The password is stored in the file /home/admin/ansible/password.txt

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