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Curious about Actual PRMIA Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement (8002) Exam Questions?

Here are sample PRMIA Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement :II (8002) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more PRMIA Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement (8002) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A simple linear regression is based on 100 data points. The total sum of squares is 1.5 and the correlation between the dependent and explanatory variables is 0.5. What is the explained sum of squares?

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Question 2

You are given the following regressions of the first difference of the log of a commodity price on the lagged price and of the first difference of the log return on the lagged log return. Each regression is based on 100 data points and figures in square brackets denote the estimated standard errors of the coefficient estimates:

Which of the following hypotheses can be accepted based on these regressions at the 5% confidence level (corresponding to a critical value of the Dickey Fuller test statistic of -- 2.89)?

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Question 3

Maximum likelihood estimation is a method for:

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Question 4

Which of the following statements are true about Maximum Likelihood Estimation?

(i) MLE can be applied even if the error terms are not i.i.d. normal.

(ii) MLE involves integrating a likelihood function or a log-likelihood function.

(iii) MLE yields parameter estimates that are consistent.

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Question 5

What can be said about observations of random variables that are i.i.d. a normally distributed?

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