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Here are sample PRINCE2 Practitioner (PRINCE2-Practitioner) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more PRINCE2-Practitioner (PRINCE2-Practitioner) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

As a result of experiences on previous projects, a change authority has been established for the Health and Safety Training Project. A key client for the training materials has a representative on the project board.

Should their interests be represented within the change authority for the project, and why?

Correct : D

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Question 2

At the end of stage 2, an external consultant responsible for developing the 'e-learning course', was appointed to the project board as a senior supplier. The stage 3 plan identifies the consultant as a reviewer of the 'e-learning course'. When preparing for a quality review of the 'e-learning course', the consultant found 15 possible errors. The consultant then documented these possible errors in the quality register.

Is this an appropriate activity when preparing for a quality review, and why?

Correct : B

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Question 3

ABC has experience of delivering training projects that respond to new legislation. Previous projects have had to change the acceptance criteria, due to further updates being made to legislation during the project.

What action should be taken to address this, and why?

Correct : B

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Question 4

During the 'create the project plan' activity as part of the initiation stage, the project manager identifies several threats to the project timescales. These threats relate to stage 3 products. Therefore, the project manager decides to wait until the end of stage 2 to assess the risks to the project plan.

Is this an appropriate application of the plans theme, and why?

Correct : C

Reference https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=CSm7x74Px94C&pg=PA181&lpg=PA181&dq=prince2+risks+inherent+in+the+project+plan+should+be+assessed,+and+the+plan+modified+to+manage+them&source=bl&ots=wY57bkzn3M&sig=ACfU3U2SjvwFX9KajLooA41PHyOT8-nHAA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwk9b1ybnhAhWhMewKHWLwCQYQ6AEwCXoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=prince2%20risks%20inherent%20in%20the%20project%20plan%20should%20be%20assessed%2C%20and%20the%20plan%20modified%20to%20manage%20them&f=false

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Question 5

The project is in stage 3. Zero time tolerance has been given for this stage. When checking progress, the project manager noticed that the checkpoint report from the external supplier of the 'e-learning course' is late. As work package progress information is missing, the project manager has decided to raise an exception report.

Is this an appropriate action, and why?

Correct : A

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