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Curious about Actual PMI Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) Exam Questions?

Here are sample PMI Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more PMI Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You prepared a portfolio risk management plan when you replaced the previous portfolio manager three years ago. However, recent structural and execution risks have affected the portfolio adversely, resulting in lost opportunities and a decrease in overall return on investment. You are updating the risk management plan as now stakeholders can see its value. In doing so, you can use some portfolio process assets such as:

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Question 2

You are working diligently to ensure people throughout the organization realize the importance of portfolio management. To do so, you are preparing a communications strategy. When you distribute it, you will be able to show you can satisfy information requirements in order to:

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Question 3

After three months, you have a list of all the program, project, and ongoing work being done in your 500-person Division of your State Government Agency. With this list, the next step is to:

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Question 4

Even though you do not work in an industry that is heavily regulated by your government, such as in new product development, health, or safety, recently your government issued a mandate that senior management of all corporations must certify the accuracy of reported financial statements to prevent any accounting fraud. These controls are to be implemented in the next fiscal year. This obviously is not in your portfolio strategic or management plans but is an example of a(n):

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Question 5

You want to ensure that the Portfolio Review Board is able to make key decisions at each meeting. As the portfolio manager, you and your staff are responsible for scheduling the meetings, providing the agenda, taking minutes, tracking open issues, and documenting and communicating decisions that are made to key stakeholders. Before each meeting, you feel it is a best practice to:

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