Curious about Actual Oracle Database (1Z0-184-25) Exam Questions?
Here are sample Oracle Database AI Vector Search Professional (1Z0-184-25) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Oracle Database (1Z0-184-25) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.
An application needs to fetch the top-3 matching sentences from a dataset of books while ensuring a balance between speed and accuracy. Which query structure should you use?
Correct : A
Fetching the top-3 matching sentences requires a similarity search, and balancing speed and accuracy points to approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) techniques. Option A---approximate similarity search with VECTOR_DISTANCE---uses an index (e.g., HNSW, IVF) to quickly find near-matches, ordered by distance (e.g., SELECT sentence, VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, :query_vector, COSINE) AS score FROM books ORDER BY score FETCH APPROXIMATE 3 ROWS ONLY). The APPROXIMATE clause leverages indexing for speed, with tunable accuracy (e.g., TARGET_ACCURACY), ideal for large datasets where exactness is traded for performance.
Option B (exact search with Euclidean) scans all vectors without indexing, ensuring 100% accuracy but sacrificing speed---impractical for big datasets. Option C (''multivector'' search) isn't a standard Oracle 23ai construct; it might imply multiple vectors per row, but lacks clarity and isn't optimal here. Option D (relational filters plus similarity) adds WHERE clauses (e.g., WHERE genre = 'fiction'), useful for scoping but not specified as needed, and doesn't inherently balance speed-accuracy without ANN. Oracle's ANN support in 23ai, via HNSW or IVF withVECTOR_DISTANCE, makes A the practical choice, aligning with real-world RAG use cases where response time matters as much as relevance.
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You are tasked with finding the closest matching sentences across books, where each book has multiple paragraphs and sentences. Which SQL structure should you use?
Correct : A
Finding the closest matching sentences across books involves comparing a query vector to sentence vectors stored in a table (e.g., columns: book_id, sentence, vector). A nested query with ORDER BY (A) is the optimal SQL structure: an inner query computes distances (e.g., SELECT sentence, VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, :query_vector, COSINE) AS score FROM sentences), and the outer query sorts and limits results (e.g., SELECT * FROM (inner_query) ORDER BY score FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY). This ranks sentences by similarity, leveraging Oracle's vector capabilities efficiently, especially with an index.
Option B (exact search) describes a technique, not a structure, and a full scan is slow without indexing---lacking specificity here. Option C (GROUP BY) aggregates (e.g., by book), not ranks individual sentences, missing the ''closest'' goal. Option D (FETCH PARTITIONS BY) isn't a valid clause; it might confuse with IVF partitioning, but that's index-related, not query syntax. The nested structure allows flexibility (e.g., adding WHERE clauses) and aligns with Oracle's vector search examples, ensuring both correctness and scalability---crucial when books yield thousands of sentences.
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What is the primary difference between the HNSW and IVF vector indexes in Oracle Database 23ai?
Correct : C
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A database administrator wants to change the VECTOR_MEMORY_SIZE parameter for a pluggable database (PDB) in Oracle Database 23ai. Which SQL command is correct?
Correct : A
VECTOR_MEMORY_SIZE in Oracle 23ai controls memory allocation for vector operations (e.g., indexing, search) in the SGA. For a PDB, ALTER SYSTEM adjusts parameters, andSCOPE=BOTH (A) applies the change immediately and persists it across restarts (modifying the SPFILE). Syntax: ALTER SYSTEM SET VECTOR_MEMORY_SIZE=1G SCOPE=BOTH sets it to 1 GB. Option B (ALTER DATABASE) is invalid for this parameter, and SCOPE=VECTOR isn't a valid scope. Option C (SCOPE=SGA) isn't a scope value; valid scopes are MEMORY, SPFILE, or BOTH. Option D (RESET) reverts to default, not sets a value. In a PDB, this must be executed in the PDB context, not CDB, and BOTH ensures durability---key for production environments where vector workloads demand consistent memory.
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Which vector index available in Oracle Database 23ai is known for its speed and accuracy, making it a preferred choice for vector search?
Correct : D
Oracle 23ai supports two main vector indexes: IVF and HNSW. HNSW (D) is renowned for its speed and accuracy, using a hierarchical graph to connect vectors, enabling fast ANN searches with high recall---ideal for latency-sensitive applications like real-time RAG. IVF (C) partitions vectors for scalability but often requires tuning (e.g., NEIGHBOR_PARTITIONS) to match HNSW's accuracy, trading off recall for memory efficiency. BT (A) isn't a 23ai vector index; it's a generic term unrelated here. IFS (B) seems a typo for IVF; no such index exists. HNSW's graph structure outperforms IVF in small-to-medium datasets or where precision matters, as Oracle's documentation and benchmarks highlight, making it a go-to for balanced performance.
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