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Here are sample Oracle Payroll Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional (1Z0-1050-24) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Oracle Cloud (1Z0-1050-24) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You have a requirement to verify the costing results of a person in a particular payroll run. In which three ways do you verify the costing results of a single person? (Choose three.)

Correct : B, C, D

Oracle Payroll Cloud provides multiple methods to verify the costing results of an individual in a payroll run. Option B allows users to navigate to the Statement of Earnings and select 'View Costing Results' to see detailed costing for a specific person's payroll run. Option C utilizes the OTBI (Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence) - Payroll Run Costing Real Time subject area, which enables real-time reporting and analysis of costing data for an individual. Option D involves running the Payroll Costing Report, which can be filtered to display results for a single person, providing a detailed breakdown of costs. Option A is incorrect because Oracle explicitly supports viewing individual costing results through these tools. These methods are well-documented in Oracle Payroll Cloud resources for auditing and verification purposes.

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Question 2

When defining your customer's monthly payroll, they ask you to set the cut-off date for their monthly payroll to five days before the period end date. What is the impact of the cut-off date on payroll processing?

Correct : B

In Oracle Payroll Cloud, the cut-off date for a payroll period (e.g., set to five days before the period end date) is designed as a reference point for payroll administrators. It serves as an informational guideline to indicate when data entry should ideally be completed to ensure timely payroll processing (Option B). It does not enforce system-level restrictions on data entry by Payroll users (Option A) or HR users (Option D), nor does it automatically trigger payroll calculation (Option C). The cut-off date's primary purpose is to assist in planning and communication, leaving actual data entry controls to user roles and process deadlines rather than system-enforced locks. This is clarified in Oracle's payroll configuration documentation.

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Question 3

Which legislative data group (LDG) description is incorrect?

Correct : B

A Legislative Data Group (LDG) in Oracle Payroll Cloud groups payroll data by legislation and is tied to a single legislative code and currency (Option D). It can include multiple legal entities acting as payroll statutory units (Option A) and marks the legislation under which payroll is processed (Option C). However, Option B is incorrect because an LDG is associated with only one cost allocation key flexfield structure at a time, not multiple. This structure defines how costs are allocated within the LDG, and associating multiple structures would violate the integrity of payroll costing rules within a single legislative context, as per Oracle's design.

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Question 4

As a general rule when costing an element created with a primary classification of standard earnings, what element and input value do you cost?

Correct : D

For an element with a primary classification of standard earnings in Oracle Payroll Cloud, costing typically applies to the Result Element and its 'Earnings Calculated' input value (Option D). The Result Element is generated by the payroll calculation process to store the final computed earnings after applying rules, formulas, and rates. The 'Earnings Calculated' input value holds the monetary amount derived from these calculations, which is then costed. Option A and Option B refer to the Base Element, which is the initial element definition, not the processed result. Option C uses 'Pay Value,' which is more relevant for direct payments rather than calculated earnings. Oracle documentation specifies this costing convention for standard earnings elements.

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Question 5

You have a requirement to stop the new entries from being created for an element and to continue the existing entries. How do you achieve this?

Correct : D

In Oracle Payroll Cloud, to prevent new entries for an element while allowing existing entries to continue processing, you can modify the element definition by setting an effective date and selecting the 'Closed for entry' check box (Option D). This action ensures that no new element entries can be created after the specified date, but existing entries remain active and processable in payroll runs. Option A is incorrect because this requirement is achievable. Option B (end-dating the element) stops all processing, including existing entries, which does not meet the requirement. Option C (deleting and re-creating) is unnecessary and disrupts continuity. Oracle documentation confirms that 'Closed for entry' is the intended mechanism for this scenario.

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