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Curious about Actual Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP-DB) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation v6.5 (NCP-DB) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP-DB) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Which default roles are available within Era for Role-Based Access Control?

Correct : A

Nutanix Era offers Role-Based Access Control capabilities by organically embedding them in the product.It provides the ability to add and remove users from Era, create and assign roles to users, and associate various privileges with a role1. The default roles available within Era for Role-Based Access Control are:

prism Admin

Era Super Admin

Era Database Admin

Era Infrastructure Admin1These roles allow for the management of both physical resources like IP addresses and VLANs along with database entities like databases, time-machines, clones, and so on1.

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Question 2

A developer with RBAC privileges in Era needs to refresh an existing DB Clone.

What steps must the developer take to perform the refresh?

Correct : B

According to the Nutanix Database Automation (NCP-DB) learning documents, to refresh an existing DB Clone, a developer with RBAC privileges in Era needs to navigate to Databases > Clones.From there, they select the appropriate clone from the table, click Refresh, select the desired Point In Time or Snapshot, and then click Refresh12.This process allows the developer to update the cloned database3.

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Question 3

Which two statements best describe the features and functionality of Era Oracle patching? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, C

Nutanix Era provides a unified database operating model that delivers simplicity, performance, availability, and security across private and public clouds1.It standardizes your Oracle database ecosystem by mass patching the databases with one-click simplicity2. This includes the following features:

Automated Patching: Era patching can be automated using REST API/CLI for scheduled patching many Oracle servers in a fleet patching scenario1.This allows for the standardization of your Oracle database ecosystem by mass patching the databases with one-click simplicity2.

Automatic Rollback: Era patching for Oracle databases has automatic rollback if any of the steps in the patching workflow fails1.This ensures that your databases remain secure and functional even if an issue arises during the patching process1.

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Question 4

In an Oracle upgrade scenario using Er

a. if the source database is on a nor-Nutanix platform, is it possible to upgrade it with an Era


Correct : C

According to the Nutanix Database Automation (NCP-DB) learning documents, Nutanix Era is a database management tool that automates and simplifies database operations, including provisioning, patching, upgrading, and more1.However, for a database to be managed by Era, it must be registered with Era1. This means that if a database is on a non-Nutanix platform, it cannot be directly upgraded using an Era workflow.It must first be migrated to a Nutanix platform and registered with Era before it can be managed and upgraded using Era1.

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Question 5

While registering an Always on Availability Group database, an administrator selects the following option:

Multiple Databases as a Group with One Time Machine

Which statement is true regarding this chosen option?

Correct : B

Nutanix Database Automation (NCP-DB) introduces the concept of MS SQL Server database groups, which allows multiple databases running in the same database instance to be grouped as one Time Machine entity1.This applies to both single DB Server VM setups, standalone databases, as well as to Availability Group databases1. However, it does not support Point In Time Recovery (PITR)-based Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for database groups containing mixed Recovery Models. This means that if the databases within the group have different recovery models, PITR-based SLAs cannot be applied to the group as a whole.

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