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Curious about Actual Nokia Bell Labs 5G Certification (BL0-220) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Nokia Bell Labs Distributed Cloud Networks (BL0-220) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Nokia Bell Labs 5G Certification (BL0-220) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Hyperscale computing relies on scalable server architecture.

Correct : A

Hyperscale computing relies on scalable server architecture.This is true because hyperscale computing is a type of cloud computing that aims to provide massive scalability, performance, and efficiency for large-scale applications and data processing1.Hyperscale computing requires a scalable server architecture that can support thousands or millions of servers that are interconnected by high-speed networks2.Scalable server architecture enables hyperscale computing to handle increasing workloads, optimize resource utilization, and reduce operational costs3.Reference:1: Nokia Bell Labs Distributed Cloud Networks, Unit 4: Operating Your Cloud, Section 4.1: Industry Trends in Data Center Hardware2: How Nokia Bell Labs' new serverless computing design will take cloud computing to the next level43: Nokia Bell Labs 5G Professional Certification - Distributed Cloud Networks1

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Question 2

Which of the following are characteristics of Cloud Native services. (Select 2)

Correct : B, D

The characteristics of Cloud Native services are very light weight application and very fast deployment. Cloud Native services are applications that are built using cloud-native design principles, such as microservices, containers, and orchestration. Cloud Native services are very light weight because they are composed of small, independent, and loosely coupled components that can run on any platform and environment. Cloud Native services are very fast to deploy because they can leverage the automation, scalability, and elasticity of the cloud infrastructure, and can be updated or rolled back without affecting the whole application.Reference:Cloud and Network Services: Leading cloud-native and as-a-service delivery models,Nokia Mobile Networks and Bell Labs 5G Cloud Native RAN Professional Certification

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Question 3

Which of the following best describes the networking concept of "Isolation"?

Correct : C

Isolation is the networking concept that ensures that each tenant or user of a cloud service has their own network configuration and resources, such as IP addresses, subnets, firewalls, and routers. Isolation provides security, privacy, and performance benefits for the cloud tenants, as they can control and customize their own network settings and avoid interference or conflicts with other tenants. Isolation can be achieved by using different techniques, such as VLANs, VXLANs, VPNs, or network slicing.

Nokia Bell Labs 5G Professional Certification - Distributed Cloud Networks | Nokia Distributed Cloud Networks, Unit 2: Cloud Technologies and Features, slide 10

Nokia Bell Labs 5G Certification Program - Courses | Nokia, Distributed Cloud Networks, Unit 2: Cloud Technologies and Features

Isolation in networking, particularly in the context of cloud computing, refers to the separation of network traffic for different users or tenant environments within a shared infrastructure. This ensures that each tenant's data and applications remain private and inaccessible to other tenants. Isolation can be achieved through various means, including virtual LANs (VLANs), network virtualization, and software-defined networking (SDN) techniques. The core idea is to provide tenants with the illusion of a private, dedicated network environment, even though the underlying physical infrastructure is shared among multiple tenants. This enables each tenant to have their own network configuration, policies, and management, ensuring security and privacy within a multi-tenant architecture.

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Question 4

Which of the following cloud deployments provide the lowest latency? (Select 2)

Correct : A, B

On-premise Edge Cloud and Metro Edge Cloud are the cloud deployments that provide the lowest latency.Latency is the time it takes for data to travel from the source to the destination1.On-premise Edge Cloud is a cloud deployment that is located within the premises of the end-user, such as a factory, a hospital, or a campus2.Metro Edge Cloud is a cloud deployment that is located within the same metropolitan area as the end-user, such as a city or a suburb3.Both On-premise Edge Cloud and Metro Edge Cloud reduce the distance and the number of hops that data has to travel, resulting in lower latency and higher performance4. Far Edge Cloud and Central Cloud are not the cloud deployments that provide the lowest latency.Far Edge Cloud is a cloud deployment that is located at the edge of the operator's network, such as a regional data center or a base station3.Central Cloud is a cloud deployment that is located at the core of the operator's network, such as a national data center or a cloud provider3.Both Far Edge Cloud and Central Cloud increase the distance and the number of hops that data has to travel, resulting in higher latency and lower performance4.

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Question 5

Select the word that best completes the following sentence.

The Core or Central Cloud covers a very large___.

Correct : B

The Core or Central Cloud covers a very large area, as it is the most centralized part of the Distributed Cloud architecture. It provides high-performance computing and storage resources for applications that do not require low latency or high bandwidth. It also hosts the management and orchestration functions for the entire Distributed Cloud network.The Core or Central Cloud is typically located in a data center or a cloud service provider's facility12.Reference:

Nokia Bell Labs 5G Professional Certification - Distributed Cloud Networks

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