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Curious about Actual Microsoft Power Platform (PL-900) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Microsoft Power Platform (PL-900) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A company stores its customer warranty information in Microsoft Dataverse.

Authenticated and authorized customers must be able to access their own warranty information without requiring a user-assigned Microsoft Power Platform license.

You need to share warranty information with these customers.

What should you use?

Correct : D

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Question 2

The front desk of a hotel uses a model-driven app to check in guests.

The hotel wants to create a canvas app for the housekeeping staff to manage cleaning supplies. The canvas app will connect to a new instance of Microsoft Dataverse.

You need to create a new environment for the housekeeping staff.

What should you use?

Correct : D

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Question 3

A company currently does not separate testing, development, and production as per standard Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) protocol. The company uses Power for accounting and sales processes.

The company needs login only one login account per user. The company also must prevent developing and testing from impacting production.

You need to implement a solution to meet the requirements.

Which method should you select?

Correct : D

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Question 4

You create a canvas app by using the option labeled Start from dat

a. You connect a spreadsheet that contains customer records. The customer records are displayed in a list on a screen labeled Browse.

You need to modify a property of the control on the screen.

Which control should you modify?

Correct : D

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Question 5

A company plans to Implement customer engagement apps in Dynamics 565 Customer Service.

The company plans to deploy a portal that connects to Customer Service. Customers must be able to log in and access details about open cases.

You need to Identify the Microsoft Power Platform capability that provides the required functionality.

Which solution should you use?

Correct : B

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