Curious about Actual ISC2 CCSP (CCSP) Exam Questions?
Here are sample ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more ISC2 CCSP (CCSP) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.
A data custodian is responsible for which of the following?
Correct : C
A data custodian is responsible for the safe custody, transport, and storage of data, and the implementation of business roles.
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Which of the following is not a way to manage risk?
Correct : D
Enveloping is a nonsense term, unrelated to risk management. The rest are not.
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Which of the following terms is not associated with cloud forensics?
Correct : D
Plausibility, here, is a distractor and not specifically relevant to cloud forensics.
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Which is the lowest level of the CSA STAR program?
Correct : B
The lowest level is Level 1, which is self-assessment, Level 2 is an external third-party attestation, and Level 3 is a continuous-monitoring program. Hybridization does not exist as part of the CSA STAR program.
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Limits for resource utilization can be set at different levels within a cloud environment to ensure that no particular entity can consume a level of resources that impacts other cloud customers.
Which of the following is NOT a unit covered by limits?
Correct : A
The hypervisor level, as a backend cloud infrastructure component, is not a unit where limits may be applied to control resource utilization. Limits can be placed at the service, virtual machine, and cloud customer levels within a cloud environment.
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