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Curious about Actual IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications (CBDA) Exam Questions?

Here are sample IIBA Certification in Business Data Analytics (CBDA) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications (CBDA) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A clinical research organization is using predictive analytics to improve patient safety and decrease costs on its clinical trials. To ensure that a standard set of tools/techniques is identified and best practices adhered to, teams are required to create scenarios to generate appropriate data for initial analysis. This practice is required because it is almost certain that data will be difficult to come by for most research. Which concern would lead the team to establish scenario development as a required technique?

Correct : A

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Question 2

A consumer products company is interested in finding ways to innovate utilizing business analytics. The team is reviewing a database of customer complaints. Interested in knowing how the organization currently interacts with its customers, the analyst proposes the use of which technique?

Correct : B

A journey map is a visual representation of the interactions and experiences of a customer or stakeholder with an organization, product, or service over time. A journey map can help identify pain points, gaps, opportunities, and emotions along the customer journey. A journey map can also help understand the current state of the customer experience and how it can be improved or innovated using business analytics.

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Question 3

While formulating the results from completed analysis, the analytics team is applying different techniques to determine an optimal solution to the specified business problem. Which of the following runs the risk of introducing bias in their decision making process?

Correct : B

Expert judgement and experience are valuable sources of knowledge and insight for business data analytics, but they can also introduce bias in the decision making process. Bias is a tendency to favor or reject a certain perspective, outcome, or solution based on personal or subjective preferences, beliefs, or expectations. Bias can affect the quality, validity, and reliability of the data analysis and the resulting decisions. Some examples of bias that can affect expert judgement and experience are confirmation bias, availability bias, anchoring bias, and overconfidence bias. To avoid or minimize bias, business data analysts should apply critical thinking, data literacy, and ethical principles throughout the data analysis process. They should also seek diverse perspectives, challenge assumptions, validate findings, and communicate uncertainties and limitations.

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Question 4

A company wants to run a monthly promotion on batteries that cost 15 cents each and sells for 50 cents. At this price, they typically sell 1000 batteries and generate a profit of 35 cents per battery for a total profit of $350. The analytics team was asked to test two price points - 20% off (i.e. a sale price of 40 cents) and 40% off (i.e., a sale price of 30 cents). The survey data completed by 10000 participants was analyzed and showed that a 20% savings would result in sales of 1200 batteries and the 40% savings would result in 1800 batteries being sold. The team's initial recommendation was to recommend the 40% discount. Now that they are validating their recommendations, they decide to:

Correct : B

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Question 5

After completing their data analysis, an analyst is drawing out the results, explaining the methods and processes used, and identifying any limitations or weaknesses in the data or methods applied. While performing these steps, which recommended practice would the analyst apply?

Correct : B

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