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Curious about Actual IIA Certified Internal Auditor (IIA-CIA-Part2) Exam Questions?

Here are sample IIA Practice of Internal Auditing (IIA-CIA-Part2) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more IIA Certified Internal Auditor (IIA-CIA-Part2) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What is the best course of action for a chief audit executive if an internal auditor identifies in the early stage of an audit that some employees have inappropriate access to a key system?

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Question 2

Upon concluding the engagement fieldwork an internal auditor discusses the audit findings with operational management There is a greater likelihood that the auditor will obtain a responsive action plan from management when both parties agree on which of the following attributes of the audit finding?

Correct : D

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Question 3

What is the primary objective of an engagement supervisor's review of key activities performed during the engagement?

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Question 4

Which informal ion- gathering method would be most efficient for an internal auditor to determine whether specified control procedures are in place?

Correct : D

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Question 5

During follow-up. the internal auditor discovered that operational management did not implement effective actions to address a significant control breach If the issue is left unresolved it may result in regulatory sanctions and damage the organization's reputation What is the most appropriate next step for the chief audit executive to lake?

Correct : C

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