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Curious about Actual IIA CGAP-IIA (IIA-CGAP) Exam Questions?

Here are sample IIA Certified Government Auditing Professional (IIA-CGAP) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more IIA CGAP-IIA (IIA-CGAP) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

_________ is a contract that provides for payment of allowable incurred costs to the extent prescribed in the contract. Where as ___________ a cost-reimbursement contract in which the contractor receives no fee and is reimbursed only for an agreed-upon portion of its allowable costs:

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Question 2

________can be defined as Contractual agreements can end either naturally (i.e., by reaching the termination date or delivery of the final product) or by other means. Where as ______can be define as the contractor shall maintain adequate accounting records and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients, and uses of all payments and funds received in conjunction with the contract for a designated period of time:

Correct : C

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Question 3

Privatization can be defined as the process of returning to the private sector property or functions previously owned or performed by government. All of the Following are basic forms of government privatization EXCEPT:

Correct : C

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Question 4

Following are the advantages of privatization listed below please choose the correct option:

Correct : D

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Question 5

_______ can be defined as Bids shall be evaluated without discussions. Evaluations should be fairly apparent since price and price-related factors are the prevalent criteria. Where as________ can be defined as bidders must submit sealed bids to be opened at the time and place stated in the solicitation for the public opening of bids:

Correct : B

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