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Curious about Actual IBM Certified Solution Developer (C1000-056) Exam Questions?

Here are sample IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Solution Development (C1000-056) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more IBM Certified Solution Developer (C1000-056) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

When using a GroupScatter node, which terminal allows logging and debugging of groups?

Correct : C


If the Group created terminal is wired, a message is propagated down this terminal, with the detailed group information, after the group has been committed. The purpose of this terminal is to allow logging and debugging of groups.

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Question 2

When sharing data between a calling flow and a response flow, how can user context data be stored?

Correct : A


To store user context data, you can either set a value in

theEnvironment.CallableFlow.UserContextenvironment variable, or create and populate child folders below it in the message tree. For example, you can use the following command to specify context data to be stored the environment:

SET Environment.CallableFlow.UserContext = 'myData';

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Question 3

Where does the data get pulled from during an extract migration in IBM App Connect Enterprise?

Correct : A

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Question 4

Event-driven flows can be configured to run at regular intervals by adding which type of node in IBM App Connect Designer?

Correct : A

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Question 5

The image below is an example of which IBM App Connect Toolkit editor?

C1000-056 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 1

Correct : A

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