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Curious about Actual Huawei HCIP (H13-527) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Huawei HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 (H13-527) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Huawei HCIP (H13-527) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

In the Huawei desktop cloud solution, ITC/GaussDB/HDC/WI/license components are deployed in two-node active and standby mode, and two virtual machines

Must be deployed in

On the same CNA node

Correct : A

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Question 2

The thin terminal does not contain an operating system, but is just a hardware device used to present remote virtual desktop display content and intervene peripherals.


Correct : B

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Question 3

In FusionAccess R6 version, which of the following infrastructure component virtual machine words should use the linux operating system (multiple choice)

Correct : A, B, C, D

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Question 4

In all-media editing application scenarios, the recommended high-definition graphics desktop technology for desktops running 25m-level expression editing tasks is

Correct : C

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Question 5

If the copy speed of the U disk is very slow, which of the following methods should be given priority to improve the copy speed?

Correct : A

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