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Curious about Actual Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional (HQT-6711) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Hitachi Vantara Hitachi Ops Center Protection (HQT-6711) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional (HQT-6711) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What does Recovery Time Objective (RTO) indicate?

Correct : B

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Question 2

Which of the following is a feature of file-based data protection provided by Hitachi Ops Center Protector?

Correct : C

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Question 3

What type of reports can be generated in Hitachi Ops Center Protector to monitor data protection activities?

Correct : B

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Question 4

What is an advantage of using Hitachi ShadowImage in a block storage protection scheme?

Correct : C

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Question 5

Which feature of Hitachi Ops Center Protector helps in meeting Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements?

Correct : D

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