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Curious about Actual Google Ads Video Professional Assessment Exam Questions?

Here are sample Google Ads Video Professional Assessment (Google-Ads-Video) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Google Ads Certifications (Google-Ads-Video) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

An account manager is setting up a Video campaign to grow consideration.

What ad formats should they expect to run?

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Question 2

You're using Custom Audiences for a Video action campaign. How can you get the most value from that audience solution?

Correct : A

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Question 3

What audience strategy should the account manager at a boat company use when creating their first Google Video campaign to reach people who are already interested in purchasing a boat?

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Question 4

If you want to run a Video action campaign that reaches customers who already searched for specific key words on Google Search, which audience solution should you use?

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Question 5

What measurement solution should you use to measure the share of views your audience will have a chance to see in your awareness Video campaign?

Correct : B

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