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Curious about Actual GAQM CLSSYB (CLSSYB-001) Exam Questions?

Here are sample GAQM Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CLSSYB) (CLSSYB-001) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more GAQM CLSSYB (CLSSYB-001) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

If a set of data is generally centered relative to the targeted value but is rather widely disbursed it would be said to be _____________.

Correct : B

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Question 2

As part of a Visual Factory plan _____________ are created and utilized to identify areas in need of cleaning and organization.

Correct : C

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Question 3

One of the 5S approaches to eliminating waste is to organize all tools, information and inventory utilized at a workstation in such a manner that the operator knows exactly where things are when needed. This 5S tool is called __________________.

Correct : D

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Question 4

The Control Plan is the road map to sustaining the improvements made through the Lean Six Sigma project and should therefore involve keeping the __________ up to date as a means of supporting the Response Plan in case a defect is noticed.

Correct : C

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Question 5

Systems and structures are the basis for allowing people to change their behaviors permanently and are accomplished through which of the following?

Correct : E

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