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Curious about Actual Exin EXIN VeriSM Foundation (VERISMF) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Exin VeriSM Foundation (VERISMF) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Exin EXIN VeriSM Foundation (VERISMF) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What is a notable advantage of implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) within service management processes?

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Question 2

An organization is determined to transition from a reactive "fire-fighting" mode to a proactive operational approach. In the context of the VeriSM model, which element(s) should the organization focus on initially to facilitate this shift in approach?

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Question 3

What key element does the "Define" stage in the VeriSM model primarily focus on?

Correct : C

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Question 4

In the VeriSM model, which element encompasses the coordination of resources, management practices, environment, and emerging technologies to create and deliver products and services?

Correct : C

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Question 5

Why is the "Shift Left" approach considered beneficial in service management?

Correct : C

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