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Here are sample Exin Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Exin Data Centre Professional (CDCP) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What is the main advantage of busbar trunking compared to stand electrical cabling?

Correct : C

Busbar trunking systems are a method of power distribution using rigid copper or aluminium conductors to distribute the power around a building. Busbar trunking systems have many advantages over cables, such as lower space requirements, higher short-circuit strength, lower fire load, and easier installation. One of the main advantages of busbar trunking is that it allows for flexibility in terms of power transmission and distribution. Busbar trunking systems can be easily relocated, modified, or expanded to accommodate changes in the building layout or load demand. Busbar trunking systems can also be fitted with various components, such as tap-off units, elbows, tees, and end feed units, to provide power to different locations and consumers. Busbar trunking systems can also be installed both overhead and under the raised floor, depending on the design and preference of the building.

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Question 2

From the list below, which sensor detects smoke the fastest?

Correct : B

VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) or HSSD (High Sensitivity Smoke Detection) systems are the fastest smoke sensors among the options listed. These systems use a network of pipes to draw air samples from the protected area and analyze them using a laser-based detection chamber. VESDA/HSSD systems can detect smoke at very low concentrations, typically in the range of 0.005 to 20 percent obscuration per meter. This means they can provide early warning of a fire before it becomes visible or spreads. VESDA/HSSD systems are ideal for data centers and other critical facilities that require high levels of fire protection and minimal downtime.

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Question 3

Where should exit/emergency signs be located?

Correct : B

According to the EPI Data Centre Operations Standard (DCOS), exit/emergency signs should be located at every escape door and pathways leading to doors (arrows) to ensure a safe and quick evacuation in case of an emergency1. This is also consistent with the best practices for data centre emergency preparedness and response, which recommend having a clear and visible signage system for emergency exits23.

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Question 4

What needs to be installed in the battery room when using Lithium-ion batteries?

Correct : A

According to the EPI Data Centre Training Framework, lithium-ion batteries are becoming more popular in data centres due to their higher energy density, longer lifespan, and lower maintenance costs compared to lead-acid batteries1. However, lithium-ion batteries also have some drawbacks, such as higher initial cost, stricter safety requirements, and potential thermal runaway risks1. Therefore, a battery management system (BMS) is essential to monitor and control the voltage, current, temperature, and state of charge of each battery cell or module, and to prevent overcharging, over-discharging, or overheating23. A BMS can also communicate with the UPS system and provide information on the battery status, performance, and health2.

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Question 5

What is the best practice for cutting holes in the raised floor tile?

Correct : B

According to the Raised Floor Installation Manual, the best practice for cutting holes in the raised floor tile is to draw a cross on the tile and when making a cut-out do not touch a line and avoid the corners1. This ensures that the structural integrity and load-bearing capacity of the tile are not compromised. Cutting holes anywhere, touching the line, or cutting the corners can weaken the tile and cause it to crack or collapse1. Additionally, the manual recommends using a drill press or a reciprocating saw with a metal or bi-metal cutting blade, and deburring all sharp edges1.

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