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Curious about Actual Esri ArcGIS Desktop Professional (EADP19-001) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Esri ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001 (EADP19-001) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Esri ArcGIS Desktop Professional (EADP19-001) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A raster dataset called rasterl.tif contains many pixels with values of NoData.

Which map algebra expression changes NoData values to 0 (zero) in the output raster dataset while leaving all other pixel values the same?

Correct : B

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Question 2

Using the Spatial Analyst IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) tool an ArcGlS user interpolates a point feature class to a raster. The user notices that some high point values near the edge of the feature class seem to have a dramatic effect on the output.

This occurs even in areas that are far from the high edge values

Which two parameters should the user consider changing in the IDW tool? (Choose two)

Correct : D, E

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Question 3

Q35) When converting a raster dataset to a polygon feature class, which parameter choice would result in polygon boundaries that most obviously reflect the cell shape of the raster input data source?

Correct : B

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Question 4

An ArcGIS user needs to classify 25 different vegetation types. The user has a single band. 20- meter resolution image with 10-meter spatial accuracy.

Which type of accuracy is the data lacking?

Correct : B

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Question 5

The ArcGlS user is given data for the Arctic and is asked to perform various types of analysis using the dat

a. The data extend from the North pole south to 70 degrees North Latitude Data layers may contain points, lines, or polygons, and Include ice surveys from NOAA depth contours continental margins, locations of Known and suspected oil reserves, endangered species habitat and territorial boundaries for nations having Arctic coastline.

Given known petroleum reserves in the Arctic, plus areas reserved for endangered species habitat the user must determine the area In square miles that is available for oil extraction development for the United States.

Which protection is best suited for this analysis?

Correct : A

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