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Curious about Actual Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You created a new service named 'http' and discover it is not registering as healthy. Will this command enable you to view the list of historical tasks for this service?

Solution: 'docker ps http'

Correct : B

The command 'docker ps http' is not the correct command to view the list of historical tasks for a service in Docker1. The 'docker ps' command is used to list containers1. If you want to view the list of historical tasks for a service, you should use the 'docker service ps' command2. This command lists the tasks that are running as part of the specified services and also shows the task history2. Therefore, to view the list of historical tasks for the 'http' service, you should use the command 'docker service ps http'2.

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Question 2

In Docker Trusted Registry, is this how a user can prevent an image, such as 'nginx:latest', from being overwritten by another user with push access to the repository?

Solution: Remove push access from all other users.

Correct : B

While removing push access from all other users can prevent an image from being overwritten, it's not the only way and might not be the most efficient or practical solution, especially in a collaborative environment. Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) provides a feature called 'Immutable Tags' which can be used to prevent an image, such as 'nginx:latest', from being overwritten. Once a tag is marked as immutable, DTR will prevent any user from pushing the same tag to the repository, thus preserving the image. This allows for better version control and prevents accidental overwrites. Therefore, the solution to prevent an image from being overwritten is not just to remove push access from all other users, but to use the features provided by DTR like 'Immutable Tags'.

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Question 3

You want to create a container that is reachable from its host's network.

Does this action accomplish this?

Solution: Use network attach to access the container on the bridge network.

Correct : A

Docker's bridge network allows containers connected to the same bridge network to communicate, while providing isolation from containers that aren't connected to that bridge network1. By using the network attach command, you can connect a container to the bridge network, making it reachable from the host's network12. However, it's important to note that containers on the default bridge network can only access each other by IP addresses, unless you use the --link option, which is considered legacy2. For better isolation and automatic DNS resolution between containers, it's recommended to use user-defined bridge networks12.

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Question 4

Will this Linux kernel facility limit a Docker container's access to host resources, such as CPU or memory?

Solution: cgroups

Correct : A

Docker uses cgroups, a Linux kernel feature, to limit the resources a container can use. This includes CPU and memory resources12. For instance, Docker can limit a container's CPU usage to the equivalent of a single CPU core on the Docker host system2. Similarly, Docker can limit a container's memory usage1. However, to use these features, the Docker host must have cgroup memory and swap accounting enabled1. Therefore, cgroups can indeed limit a Docker container's access to host resources such as CPU and memory12.

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Question 5

Will this configuration achieve fault tolerance for managers in a swarm?

Solution: one manager node for two worker nodes

Correct : B

Docker Swarm requires more than one manager node to achieve fault tolerance12. A single manager node is not fault tolerant because if it goes down, the entire cluster goes down3. For a swarm to be fault-tolerant, it needs to have an odd number of manager nodes2. For example, a three-manager swarm tolerates a maximum loss of one manager2. Therefore, a configuration with one manager node for two worker nodes will not achieve fault tolerance for managers in a swarm12.

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