Curious about Actual Dell EMC XtremIO Maintenance (D-XTR-MN-A-24) Exam Questions?
Here are sample Dell EMC Dell XtremIO Maintenance Achievement (D-XTR-MN-A-24) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Dell EMC XtremIO Maintenance (D-XTR-MN-A-24) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.
In preparation for a dual-to-quad online cluster expansion, how should the active cluster cabling be validated?
Correct : A
In preparation for a dual-to-quad online cluster expansion, the active cluster cabling should be validated using the Easy-Install menu. This menu provides a guided and automated way to ensure that all cabling is correctly connected and verified, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring a smooth expansion process.
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Which port should SC1-IB1 be connected to in a single X-Brick XtremIO X2?
Correct : A
In a single X-Brick XtremIO X2 configuration, the port SC1-IB1 should be connected to IBSW1-P01. This connection ensures proper communication and data flow between the storage controller and the InfiniBand switch, which is critical for system performance and redundancy.
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Which port is used to connect to the Storage Controller (SC) to service an XtremIO X2 with the Technician Advisor tool?
Correct : D
The process typically involves:
Locating the dedicated Management port on the back of the SC.
Connecting a compatible cable from the technician's device to the Management port.
Using the Technician Advisor tool to perform the necessary service tasks.
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A multi X-Brick XtremlO X1 cluster is being installed. How many BBU connections, and of which type, are required per X-Brick?
Correct : C
The installation process would typically involve:
Installing the BBU in the designated slot within the X-Brick.
Connecting the BBU power cable to the power supply of both Storage Controllers.
Connecting a BBU COM port to each Storage Controller for communication and monitoring purposes.
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Which document should be referenced when modifying the IP addresses on an XtremIO X2 cluster that will remain in the same IP network?
Correct : D
When modifying the IP addresses on an XtremIO X2 cluster that will remain in the same IP network, the appropriate document to reference is the 'XtremIO Storage Array User Guide.' This guide contains detailed instructions and best practices for changing network configurations, including IP address modifications.
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