Curious about Actual Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 Exam Questions?

Here are sample Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 (Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Databricks Apache Spark Associate Developer (Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Which of the following code blocks returns a new DataFrame in which column attributes of DataFrame itemsDf is renamed to feature0 and column supplier to feature1?

Correct : D

itemsDf.withColumnRenamed('attributes', 'feature0').withColumnRenamed('supplier', 'feature1')

Correct! Spark's DataFrame.withColumnRenamed syntax makes it relatively easy to change the name of a column.

itemsDf.withColumnRenamed(attributes, feature0).withColumnRenamed(supplier, feature1)

Incorrect. In this code block, the Python interpreter will try to use attributes and the other column names as variables. Needless to say, they are undefined, and as a result the block will not run.

itemsDf.withColumnRenamed(col('attributes'), col('feature0'), col('supplier'), col('feature1'))

Wrong. The DataFrame.withColumnRenamed() operator takes exactly two string arguments. So, in this answer both using col() and using four arguments is wrong.

itemsDf.withColumnRenamed('attributes', 'feature0')

itemsDf.withColumnRenamed('supplier', 'feature1')

No. In this answer, the returned DataFrame will only have column supplier be renamed, since the result of the first line is not written back to itemsDf.

itemsDf.withColumn('attributes', 'feature0').withColumn('supplier', 'feature1')

Incorrect. While withColumn works for adding and naming new columns, you cannot use it to rename existing columns.

More info: pyspark.sql.DataFrame.withColumnRenamed --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation

Static notebook | Dynamic notebook: See test 3, Question: 29 (Databricks import instructions)

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Question 2

The code block displayed below contains multiple errors. The code block should return a DataFrame that contains only columns transactionId, predError, value and storeId of DataFrame

transactionsDf. Find the errors.

Code block:[col(productId), col(f)])

Sample of transactionsDf:

1. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

2. |transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId| f|

3. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

4. | 1| 3| 4| 25| 1|null|

5. | 2| 6| 7| 2| 2|null|

6. | 3| 3| null| 25| 3|null|

7. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

Correct : B

Correct code block: transactionsDf.drop('productId', 'f')

This Question: requires a lot of thinking to get right. For solving it, you may take advantage of the digital notepad that is provided to you during the test. You have probably seen that the code


includes multiple errors. In the test, you are usually confronted with a code block that only contains a single error. However, since you are practicing here, this challenging multi-error QUESTION

NO: will

make it easier for you to deal with single-error questions in the real exam.

The select operator should be replaced by a drop operator, the column names should be listed directly as arguments to the operator and not as a list, and all column names should be expressed as

strings without being wrapped in a col() operator.

Correct! Here, you need to figure out the many, many things that are wrong with the initial code block. While the Question: can be solved by using a select statement, a drop statement, given


answer options, is the correct one. Then, you can read in the documentation that drop does not take a list as an argument, but just the column names that should be dropped. Finally, the column

names should be expressed as strings and not as Python variable names as in the original code block.

The column names should be listed directly as arguments to the operator and not as a list.

Incorrect. While this is a good first step and part of the correct solution (see above), this modification is insufficient to solve the question.

The column names should be listed directly as arguments to the operator and not as a list and following the pattern of how column names are expressed in the code block, columns productId and f

should be replaced by transactionId, predError, value and storeId.

Wrong. If you use the same pattern as in the original code block (col(productId), col(f)), you are still making a mistake. col(productId) will trigger Python to search for the content of a variable named

productId instead of telling Spark to use the column productId - for that, you need to express it as a string.

The select operator should be replaced by a drop operator, the column names should be listed directly as arguments to the operator and not as a list, and all col() operators should be removed.

No. This still leaves you with Python trying to interpret the column names as Python variables (see above).

The select operator should be replaced by a drop operator.

Wrong, this is not enough to solve the question. If you do this, you will still face problems since you are passing a Python list to drop and the column names are still interpreted as Python variables

(see above).

More info: pyspark.sql.DataFrame.drop --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation

Static notebook | Dynamic notebook: See test 3, Question: 30 (Databricks import instructions)

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Question 3

Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame with approximately 1,000 rows from the 10,000-row DataFrame itemsDf, without any duplicates, returning the same rows even if the code

block is run twice?

Correct : B

itemsDf.sample(fraction=0.1, seed=87238)

Correct. If itemsDf has 10,000 rows, this code block returns about 1,000, since DataFrame.sample() is never guaranteed to return an exact amount of rows. To ensure you are not returning

duplicates, you should leave the withReplacement parameter at False, which is the default. Since the Question: specifies that the same rows should be returned even if the code block is run


you need to specify a seed. The number passed in the seed does not matter as long as it is an integer.

itemsDf.sample(withReplacement=True, fraction=0.1, seed=23536)

Incorrect. While this code block fulfills almost all requirements, it may return duplicates. This is because withReplacement is set to True.

Here is how to understand what replacement means: Imagine you have a bucket of 10,000 numbered balls and you need to take 1,000 balls at random from the bucket (similar to the problem in the

question). Now, if you would take those balls with replacement, you would take a ball, note its number, and put it back into the bucket, meaning the next time you take a ball from the bucket there

would be a chance you could take the exact same ball again. If you took the balls without replacement, you would leave the ball outside the bucket and not put it back in as you take the next 999


itemsDf.sample(fraction=1000, seed=98263)

Wrong. The fraction parameter needs to have a value between 0 and 1. In this case, it should be 0.1, since 1,000/10,000 = 0.1.

itemsDf.sampleBy('row', fractions={0: 0.1}, seed=82371)

No, DataFrame.sampleBy() is meant for stratified sampling. This means that based on the values in a column in a DataFrame, you can draw a certain fraction of rows containing those values from

the DataFrame (more details linked below). In the scenario at hand, sampleBy is not the right operator to use because you do not have any information about any column that the sampling should

depend on.


Incorrect. This code block checks all the boxes except that it does not ensure that when you run it a second time, the exact same rows will be returned. In order to achieve this, you would have to

specify a seed.

More info:

- pyspark.sql.DataFrame.sample --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation

- pyspark.sql.DataFrame.sampleBy --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation

- Types of Samplings in PySpark 3. The explanations of the sampling... | by Pinar Ersoy | Towards Data Science

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Question 4

Which of the following code blocks creates a new DataFrame with 3 columns, productId, highest, and lowest, that shows the biggest and smallest values of column value per value in column

productId from DataFrame transactionsDf?

Sample of DataFrame transactionsDf:

1. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

2. |transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId| f|

3. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

4. | 1| 3| 4| 25| 1|null|

5. | 2| 6| 7| 2| 2|null|

6. | 3| 3| null| 25| 3|null|

7. | 4| null| null| 3| 2|null|

8. | 5| null| null| null| 2|null|

9. | 6| 3| 2| 25| 2|null|

10. +-------------+---------+-----+-------+---------+----+

Correct : D

transactionsDf.groupby('productId').agg(max('value').alias('highest'), min('value').alias('lowest'))

Correct. groupby and aggregate is a common pattern to investigate aggregated values of groups.

transactionsDf.groupby('productId').agg({'highest': max('value'), 'lowest': min('value')})

Wrong. While DataFrame.agg() accepts dictionaries, the syntax of the dictionary in this code block is wrong. If you use a dictionary, the syntax should be like {'value': 'max'}, so using the column

name as the key and the aggregating function as value.

transactionsDf.agg(max('value').alias('highest'), min('value').alias('lowest'))

Incorrect. While this is valid Spark syntax, it does not achieve what the Question: asks for. The Question: specifically asks for values to be aggregated per value in column productId -

this column is

not considered here. Instead, the max() and min() values are calculated as if the entire DataFrame was a group.


Wrong. There is no DataFrame.max() method in Spark, so this command will fail.

transactionsDf.groupby(col(productId)).agg(max(col(value)).alias('highest'), min(col(value)).alias('lowest'))

No. While this may work if the column names are expressed as strings, this will not work as is. Python will interpret the column names as variables and, as a result, pySpark will not understand

which columns you want to aggregate.

More info: pyspark.sql.DataFrame.agg --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation

Static notebook | Dynamic notebook: See test 3, Question: 32 (Databricks import instructions)

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Question 5

The code block shown below should return a DataFrame with only columns from DataFrame transactionsDf for which there is a corresponding transactionId in DataFrame itemsDf. DataFrame

itemsDf is very small and much smaller than DataFrame transactionsDf. The query should be executed in an optimized way. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code block to

accomplish this.

__1__.__2__(__3__, __4__, __5__)

Correct : C

Correct code block:

transactionsDf.join(broadcast(itemsDf), 'transactionId', 'left_semi')

This Question: is extremely difficult and exceeds the difficulty of questions in the exam by far.

A first indication of what is asked from you here is the remark that 'the query should be executed in an optimized way'. You also have qualitative information about the size of itemsDf and

transactionsDf. Given that itemsDf is 'very small' and that the execution should be optimized, you should consider instructing Spark to perform a broadcast join, broadcasting the 'very small'

DataFrame itemsDf to all executors. You can explicitly suggest this to Spark via wrapping itemsDf into a broadcast() operator. One answer option does not include this operator, so you can disregard

it. Another answer option wraps the broadcast() operator around transactionsDf - the bigger of the two DataFrames. This answer option does not make sense in the optimization context and can

likewise be disregarded.

When thinking about the broadcast() operator, you may also remember that it is a method of pyspark.sql.functions. One answer option, however, resolves to itemsDf.broadcast([...]). The DataFrame

class has no broadcast() method, so this answer option can be eliminated as well.

All two remaining answer options resolve to transactionsDf.join([...]) in the first 2 gaps, so you will have to figure out the details of the join now. You can pick between an outer and a left semi join. An

outer join would include columns from both DataFrames, where a left semi join only includes columns from the 'left' table, here transactionsDf, just as asked for by the question. So, the correct

answer is the one that uses the left_semi join.

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