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Curious about Actual CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA-102) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA-102) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA-102) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You are performing an implementation for a cloud-based wireless solution. How is connectivity to the cloud established? (Choose the single best answer.)

Correct : B

Cloud Connectivity Relies on IP:Most cloud-based services operate via the internet, which utilizes Internet Protocol (IP) at Layer 3 of the network model.

Flexibility:Various Layer 2 technologies (Ethernet, Wi-Fi) can connect to a Layer 3 network that ultimately provides Internet access

BLE Exception:Bluetooth Low Energycanhave cloud connectivity, but often through gateways and not as a direct Layer 2 connection.

Eliminating Incorrect Options:IPX/SPX is an outdated protocol, and cellular is only one possible way to achieve Internet access.


OSI Model:Descriptions of Network Layers, especially Layer 2 (Data Link) and Layer 3 (Network).

Cloud Architecture:Diagrams showing how devices commonly access cloud resources through internet-based infrastructures.

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Question 2

What statement best describes the difference between authentication and authorization?

Correct : C

Authentication:Verifying 'who' the user or device is (e.g., via passwords, certificates).

Authorization:Controlling 'what' a user or device can do once authenticated (e.g., read-only vs. read/write permissions).

Combined for Security:Both are essential. Authentication alone doesn't control access levels, and authorization without verification is meaningless.


Identity and Access Management (IAM):Articles and resources outlining the core principles of authentication and authorization.

Cybersecurity Best Practices:Guides on securing systems will often emphasize the need for both authentication and authorization controls.

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Question 3

You must plan for encryption in a wireless solution deployment. What type of data should always be encrypted? (Choose the single best answer.)

Correct : A

Most Vulnerable In Transit:Sensitive data (passwords, health information, etc.) is most susceptible to interception while being sent over a wireless network. Encryption is crucial at this stage.

Encryption at Rest and in Memory:While also important, these are often handled with different cryptographic techniques depending on the system.


Wireless Security Protocols:Details on encryption standards like WPA2/WPA3, TLS that focus on protecting data during transmission.

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Question 4

You are planning to outsource the implementation of a new LoRaWAN w of the service provider performing the implementation in all cases?

Correct : C

Outsourcing Knowledge Transfer:When outsourcing implementation,the service provider has firsthand knowledge of system setup and configuration.Clear documentation ensures this knowledge remains accessible to you after the project is complete.

Ongoing Support:While paid/free support options influence long-term maintenance,they won't substitute missing documentation about thespecificsetup.

Reducing Future Vendor Reliance:Detailed documentation helps mitigate over-reliance on the service provider for minor changes and troubleshooting,giving you more long-term autonomy.

Proof of Concept:A POC typically happens before outsourcing,and focuses on validating the solution's feasibility,not ensuring smooth knowledge transfer thereafter.


Service Level Agreements (SLAs):Documentation related to outsourced work may be defined as a deliverable within an SLA.

Knowledge Management Best Practices:

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Question 5

What scripting language works natively inside of nearly all modern Web browsers and may also be used for automation within some wireless solutions, such as Node-RED?

Correct : C

Browser Ubiquity:JavaScript has a native runtime environment within almost every modern web browser, making it the 'built-in' scripting language for web-based interfaces.

Node-RED:This IoT flow-based programming tool specifically uses JavaScript for its logic and automation functions.

Other Languages:

PHP: Primarily server-side for web applications

Python: Versatile language, used in some back-end IoT functions but not natively in browsers

R: Statistical and data analysis, not typically embedded in wireless solutions


JavaScript (Browser Compatibility):Documentation of its near-universal support

Node-RED (Programming Model):Descriptions of how it uses JavaScript for node logic.

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