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Curious about Actual CloudBees CCJE (CJE) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CloudBees Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) (CJE) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CloudBees CCJE (CJE) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Which is not a common stage of CI/CD?

Correct : D

Build, deploy, and test are all common stages of a CI/CD process.

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Question 2

What's the commonly used Java code coverage plugin?

Correct : B

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Question 3

Which is NOT a continuous integration best practice?

Correct : A

Automation is a central tenant of continuous integration. Any manual process should be automated to the extent possible.

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Question 4

Jenkins, along with several other automation platforms, provides developers and operators with tools that allow them to automate the deployment of environments with preconfigured source code, including the CI pipeline. What is this called?

Correct : D

'Infrastructure as code' means some or all of the state of your infrastructure is defined in source code. This is achieved through configuration management tools, like Puppet and Chef. The continuous integration component of infrastructure is defined in the Jenkinsfile, which lives amongst the project source code, illustrating infrastructure as code.

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Question 5

How do you setup the GitHub Plugin Git hook from a Project Configuration Perspective?

Correct : C

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