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Curious about Actual CIW JavaScript Specialist (1D0-735) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CIW JavaScript Specialist (1D0-735) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CIW JavaScript Specialist (1D0-735) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Consider the following code:

1D0-735 Exam Question 1 Exhibit 1

The code displays a pop-up alert message if the username is less than 6 characters and submits the form. What change should be made to prevent the form from submitted if the username is less than 6 characters?

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Question 2

Jaime needs to write a script to remove all the non-digit characters from a phone number so that all that remains are the numbers She knows that she will need to use a regular expression to search for non-digit characters and can use a method to remove all the non-digit characters. Which code should she use?


1D0-735 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 1


1D0-735 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 2


1D0-735 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 3


1D0-735 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 4

Correct : B

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Question 3

Derrick is building a Web form to collect user data for a retail Web site. He will be collecting the users name e-mail address phone number, physical address and credit card information. What should he do to protect his users, when collecting this data?

Correct : C

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Question 4

Consider the following code:

1D0-735 Exam Question 4 Exhibit 1

What is the result if this code is run in a browser?

Correct : A

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Question 5

Consider the following code:

1D0-735 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 1

What does line 9 do?

Correct : B

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