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Curious about Actual Citrix CCA (1Y0-241) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Citrix Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC with Traffic Management (1Y0-241) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Citrix CCA (1Y0-241) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A Citrix Administrator wants to configure independent and isolated access on a single appliance to allow three different departments to manage and isolate their own applications.

What can the administrator configure to isolate department-level administration?

Correct : A

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Question 2

Scenario: A Citrix Administrator configured a responder policy as follows:

> add responder action Picture10Action redirect "\"http://\" + http.req.hostname + http.req.url + \"/picture10.html\"" -bypassSafetyCheck YES

> add responder policy Picture10Policy "http.req.url.eq(\"/mywebsite\")" Picture10Action

> bind responder global Picture10Policy 1 END -type OVERRIDE

What will be the effect of this configuration?

Correct : B

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Question 3

A Citrix Administrator wants to configure independent and isolated access on a single appliance to allow three different departments to manage and isolate their own applications.

What can the administrator configure to isolate department-level administration?

Correct : A

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Question 4

Scenario: A Citrix Administrator is configuring a Citrix ADC high availability (HA) pair with an existing primary Citrix ADC with all resources configured. The administrator adds the secondary Citrix ADC in HA and discovers that the configuration on the existing primary was removed and is now the secondary Citrix ADC in the HA pair.

Which two configurations could the administrator have used to prevent this from happening? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, C

Forcing the node to stay secondary works on both standalone and secondary nodes. On a standalone node, you must use this option before you can add a node to create an HA pair. When you add the new node, the existing node stops processing traffic and becomes the secondary node. The new node becomes the primary node.


On a standalone node, you must use this option before you can add a node to create an HA pair. When you add the new node, the existing node continues to function as the primary node, and the new node becomes the secondary node.


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Question 5

Scenario: A Citrix Administrator is configuring a Citrix ADC high availability (HA) pair with an existing primary Citrix ADC with all resources configured. The administrator adds the secondary Citrix ADC in HA and discovers that the configuration on the existing primary was removed and is now the secondary Citrix ADC in the HA pair.

Which two configurations could the administrator have used to prevent this from happening? (Choose two.)

Correct : B, C

Forcing the node to stay secondary works on both standalone and secondary nodes. On a standalone node, you must use this option before you can add a node to create an HA pair. When you add the new node, the existing node stops processing traffic and becomes the secondary node. The new node becomes the primary node.


On a standalone node, you must use this option before you can add a node to create an HA pair. When you add the new node, the existing node continues to function as the primary node, and the new node becomes the secondary node.


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