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Here are sample Cisco AppDynamics Associate Administrator (500-425) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Cisco Channel Partner Program (500-425) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

When troubleshooting an application using AppDynamics. which order would help narrow down a code problem with a specific business transaction

the fastest?

Correct : A

When troubleshooting an application using AppDynamics, the fastest way to narrow down a code problem with a specific business transaction is to follow this order:

Review Application Dashboard: This is the first step to get an overview of the health and performance of your application and its components. You can see the key metrics, such as response time, throughput, error rate, and load, for each tier, node, and business transaction. You can also see the health rule violations, events, and alerts that indicate any issues or anomalies in your application.

Check transaction scorecard: This is the second step to drill down to the details of a specific business transaction that you want to troubleshoot. You can see the transaction scorecard by clicking on the business transaction name on the application dashboard. The transaction scorecard shows the metrics, such as average response time, calls per minute, errors per minute, and slow calls, for the selected business transaction. You can also see the breakdown of the response time by tier, node, and remote service, and the distribution of the response time by percentile.

Check transaction snapshots for problems: This is the third step to identify the root cause of the code problem for the selected business transaction. You can see the transaction snapshots by clicking on the View Snapshots button on the transaction scorecard. Transaction snapshots are the detailed records of the execution of a business transaction, including the call graph, the exit calls, the errors, the exceptions, the logs, the HTTP parameters, the cookies, the session attributes, and the custom data. You can use the transaction snapshots to analyze the code execution, the database queries, the web service calls, the message queues, the errors, and the exceptions that affect the performance of the business transaction.

Therefore,A(Review Application Dashboard > Check transaction scorecard > Check Transactions snapshots for problems) is the correct answer.Reference:

Cisco AppDynamics Associate Administrator Certification

Troubleshoot Business Transactions - AppDynamics

Business Transaction - AppDynamics

Transaction Snapshots - AppDynamics

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Question 2

Java APM agents used in a production environment are consistently found to be disabled while no development environments exhibit this behavior Given that agents in both environments use the default configuration, what solution should be implemented to resolve this issue?

Correct : D

One possible reason why Java APM agents used in a production environment are consistently found to be disabled while no development environments exhibit this behavior is that the production agents are running out of heap memory and crashing. This can happen if the production agents are monitoring a high volume of business transactions, metrics, or snapshots, and the default heap size is not sufficient to handle the load. To resolve this issue, you can enable the heap-storage-monitor-enabled setting on the agent, which allows the agent to monitor its own heap usage and automatically reduce the amount of data it collects when the heap usage reaches a certain threshold. This can help to prevent the agent from running out of memory and crashing.You can also adjust the heap-storage-monitor-threshold setting to specify the percentage of heap usage that triggers the data reduction1.Alternatively, you can also increase the heap space for the agent by using the -Xmx option in the agent startup script, but this may require more resources from the host machine2.

The other options are not valid solutions to resolve this issue. Enabling agent auto-restart in the controller UI will not prevent the agent from crashing due to heap exhaustion, but only restart the agent after it crashes.This may cause data loss and performance degradation3. Decreasing the worker thread count will not affect the heap usage of the agent, but only limit the number of concurrent tasks that the agent can execute. This may reduce the agent throughput and responsiveness.



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Question 3

By default, which two Sensitive Data Filters substring does the Java Agent enable? (Choose two.)

Correct : C, E

By default, the Java Agent enables two Sensitive Data Filters substring: substring ''key'' and substring ''password''. These filters prevent the agent from capturing and sending any data that contains these substrings to the Controller, such as query parameters, HTTP headers, cookies, environment variables, or system properties. This helps to protect sensitive information from being exposed in the Controller UI or reports.You can also add more filters or modify the existing ones by editing the agent configuration file1Reference:1:Filter Sensitive Data

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Question 4

After installing the standalone machine agent, how do you enable the agent to start collecting metrics?

Correct : D

According to the Install the Standalone Machine Agent document1, the machine agent is a standalone Java program that collects performance statistics about your environment. It can be deployed on any machine that hosts application servers, database servers, messaging servers, Web servers, etc. However, the machine agent does not start collecting metrics as soon as it is installed. You need to start the machine agent manually or configure it to run as a service or a daemon. Therefore, the correct answer is D. The machine agent does not require an app agent to collect metrics, nor does it run with the monitored application. These are false statements.Reference:

Install the Standalone Machine Agent

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Question 5

Unless archived, what is the default length of time events can be viewed with full detail before being purged?

Correct : A

The default length of time events can be viewed with full detail before being purged is 7 days, unless archived. Events are records of significant occurrences in the monitored environment, such as errors, exceptions, policy violations, health rule violations, and more. You can view the events in the Controller UI under Events > All Events.You can also archive the events to retain them for longer periods or export them to external systems1Reference:1:Events

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