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Curious about Actual Cisco Channel Partner Program (500-230) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Cisco Service Provider Routing Field Engineer (500-230) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Cisco Channel Partner Program (500-230) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Which protocol is a PE to CE routing protocol?

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Question 2

How are labels exchanged between the AS'es in an Option B Layer-3 VPN solution?

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Question 3

Which command is run to make changes permanent and survive a reload after executing the command "copy disk0:config-file.txt running-config"?

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Question 4

Which underlying protocol(s) does LDP utilize to communicate with LDP Peers?

Correct : A

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Question 5

Which statements are true regarding L3VPN configurations?

Correct : A

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