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Curious about Actual CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply (L4M4) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CIPS Ethical and Responsible Sourcing (L4M4) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply (L4M4) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A Bill of Exchange is an important document used when importing goods into a country from abroad. What is the purpose of this document?

Correct : D

A Bill of Exchange is a payment instruction - it says who will pay whom and when.

Bill of Exchange Definition: Examples and How It Works (investopedia.com)

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Question 2

Which of the following incoterms has the lowest risk to the buyer?

Correct : B

The lowest risk to the buyer is 'delivered duty paid'. This is because the supplier does all the work transporting the items to the buyer's premises. Incoterms_2020_chart | Intersped

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Question 3

Which of the following incoterms relate specifically to transporting items over water?

Correct : C

cost and freight is specific to transport over water. The others relate to all types of transportation. Incoterms_2020_chart | Intersped

Some students report a lot of questions on Incoterms in the exam, some say they only had 1. It real-ly is luck of the draw.

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Question 4

Incoterms describe several aspects and responsibilities of transporting goods when sourcing internationally. Which of the following is described by Incoterms? Select THREE.

Correct : A, B, D

Incoterms describe who out of the buer and seller; organises transport and what type of transport this is, who pays for insurance, and who organises duty / tariff arrangements when the goods go through customs. See p.131. Note- some students report a lot of questions on Incoterms in the exam, some say they only had 1. If you can, I'd learn them just to be safe.

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Question 5

Polygon Incorporated is a new company in the mining industry, which often gets bad press due to issues of sustainability. Which of the following should Polygon Incorporated consider when developing sustainable business practices?

Correct : A

The three pillars of sustainability are profit, people and planet. This may also be referred to as social, economic and environmental.

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