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Question 1

What is meant by a structured procurement process? (10 marks) Why is this important? (15 marks).

Correct : A

- Definition of 'structured procurement process' -- when an organisation provides a sequence of actions / steps to take to get the outcome (the procurement of an item). This involves an organisation providing guidelines and instructions of how things should be done. Basically following a step-by-step process.

- Why this is important -- Ensures all tasks that need to be done are done, maintains consistency, prevents conflict and suboptimal behaviour, improves efficiency, better managerial control, compliance (with laws and standards), assists with continuous improvement, may result in time/ cost savings, reduces risks such as fraudulent spending.

Example essay:

The first part of the question is worth 10 points, so you could include a few of the following points. It would also be good to include examples:

- Structured procurement involves creating rules on how procurement should be done

- This is in contrast to reactive / maverick spending

- May come about due to company policy, external regulations or through trying to achieve Competitive Advantage

- Examples include an organisation having set procedures for ordering items of different spend- e.g. Procurement Assistants can purchase items up to 500. Items between 500-1000 require a manager's approval and anything over 1000 requires a written Business Case in order to procure

- Structures Procurement Processes will usually also include the use of a designated e-procurement tool. E.g. an organisation may insist that all tenders use a certain online system and that invoices are sent via X system within 30 days.

The second part of the question is worth slightly more points, so spend more time on this. You could put each of the reasons why it is important in a separate paragraph. Also use examples where you can;

- Ensures all tasks that need to be done are done- having structured processes means having a step-by-step guide to how to procure. This means activities are well co-ordinated and there are no gaps, no duplications of effort and no conflicting efforts. It may involve assigning different people in the team different roles e.g. someone makes the requisition and someone else approves it. It also means that nothing is forgotten.

- Maintains consistency- having standardised processes means each procurement exercise follows the same process. This may include using a standard template for a requisition or ITT. Where there is consistency, this results in time being saved and less mistakes being made as everyone (including supply partners) is familiar with the processes.

- Prevents conflict and suboptimal behaviour- in organisations that use structured procurement processes everyone does the same. This means there is no conflict (e.g. one person doing things one way and another person does it differently and arguing which way is best). It also means no one can do procurement 'wrong' -- there are written guides and procedures to follow. This is particularly helpful for new starters.

- Efficiency -- time and money can be saved where there are standard procedures as people don't have to plan each procurement activity individually. Structured Procurement Processes may also involve completing bulk orders and co-ordinating activity within the organisation which means less orders are placed over the year and efficiency savings can be made. For example, a factory may create an order of cleaning products once a quarter, compared to ordering products just as and when they are required. This will save time of the procurement department overall throughout the year and allows them to focus on other more value-adding tasks.

- Better managerial control -- Managers have more oversight when using structured procurement. There are clear rules as to when managers need to be involved and provide sign-off. This visibility makes it easier for managers to make decisions and allows for early intervention where someone needs assistance. It will reduce maverick spending and fraudulent spending. For example, it is much harder to provide kick-backs to suppliers when there are clear processes and audit trails and managers have visibility over all processes.

- Compliance (with laws and standards) -- particularly in the Public Sector there are rules and regulations regarding procurement practices. Using standardised processes allows organisations to demonstrate compliance with appropriate legislation. It also protects them from 'challenge'. This is when a bidder who is unsuccessful challenges the decision to award a contract to someone else. Using a structured procurement process allows the organisation to demonstrate that they procured the item correctly and the challenge is unfounded.

Tutor Notes

- This topic isn't as well explained in the new study guide as it used to be. It's all pretty obvious stuff but the language is slightly different. The guide now talks about 'compliance with processes' and the benefits this brings. Which is exactly the same as why do you follow a structured process. This is on p. 114.

- If you're feeling clever, you could mention the difference between Public and Private Sector- e.g. a private organisation may use standardised processes for efficiency and cost savings, whereas a public sector organisation may use it more for compliance purposes.

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Question 2

What is meant by the term 'centralised procurement'? (10 points) Explain 2 forms of Hybrid Procurement Structures (15 points).

Correct : A

- This is essentially two mini essays, so you can do them completely separately if you like.

1) Definition of centralised procurement -- when an organisation has a designated procurement function which makes purchases on behalf of other teams. When departments need to make a purchase, they would do this by approaching the procurement department who would purchase the item they need. This is in contrast to devolved procurement where departments can make purchases themselves.

2) of 2 forms of hybrid structures- there's a couple in the study guide you can pick from -- consortium, shared services, lead buyer and outsourced. In the old syllabus they used to discuss SCAN -- Strategically Controlled Action Network and CLAN = Centre Led Action Network. This has been removed from the new syllabus, but I don't think it would be wrong to use SCAN and CLAN in this essay if you wanted to. However they are more complicated than the others and if you can talk about other models instead I'd definitely go for that.

Example Essay:

Centralized procurement refers to a procurement strategy where an organization consolidates its purchasing activities into a single, central department or unit. Instead of allowing individual departments or divisions within the organization to independently manage their procurement processes, centralized procurement involves the concentration of these activities under a unified structure.

Key features of centralized procurement include:

1) Single Procurement Authority: In a centralized procurement system, there is a designated procurement authority or department responsible for handling all purchasing decisions. This central entity has the authority to negotiate contracts, select suppliers, and make procurement-related decisions on behalf of the entire organization.

2) Streamlined Processes: Centralized procurement aims to standardize and streamline procurement processes across the organization. This can include the establishment of uniform procurement policies, procedures, and documentation to ensure consistency and efficiency.

3) Economies of Scale: By consolidating purchasing power, centralized procurement allows organizations to leverage economies of scale. Bulk purchases, standardized contracts, and negotiations with suppliers on a larger scale can lead to cost savings and more favourable terms.

4) Improved Coordination and Communication: Centralized procurement enhances coordination and communication within the organization. With a centralized structure, there is better visibility into overall procurement activities, allowing for improved collaboration, information sharing, and strategic planning. Moreover, this centralized control helps manage risks, ensure transparency, and monitor adherence to ethical and legal standards.

5) Consolidated Supplier Relationships: Centralized procurement enables the organization to consolidate its relationships with suppliers. This can lead to stronger partnerships, better negotiation positions, and improved collaboration with a select group of suppliers that meet the organization's needs.

6) Strategic Decision-Making: Centralized procurement allows organizations to make strategic decisions at a higher level. This includes aligning procurement strategies with overall organizational goals, optimizing the supply chain, and contributing to broader business objectives.

An example of centralised procurement would be in a hotel chain with several hotels across the UK. In a centralised procurement function there would be one team responsible for ordering everything for all of the hotels, rather than allowing the individual hotels to buy things themselves. Premier Inn is an example of a company that uses this structure- it allows them to buy stock in bulk and ensures that all hotels have the same equipment so customers expectations are always met.

Centralized procurement is often contrasted with decentralized procurement, where individual departments or business units manage their procurement independently (i.e. each hotel would buy their own supplies). The choice between centralized and decentralized procurement depends on various factors, including the size and structure of the organization, the nature of its operations, and the specific goals it aims to achieve through its procurement processes.

Consortium Procurement Model:

The consortium procurement model is characterized by the collaboration of multiple organizations forming a joint group (the consortium) to engage in collective buying activities. Typically composed of entities from the same industry or sector, these organizations unite their resources, expertise, and purchasing power to pursue shared procurement objectives. The consortium leverages this collective strength to negotiate contracts, conduct bulk purchases, and benefit from economies of scale, resulting in cost savings and increased operational efficiency. The UK University sector is an example of Consortium activities- many universities come together to 'group buy' items as this brings about many benefits.

The main benefit of this form of hybrid procurement model is the increased negotiating power and leverage derived from combining the purchasing volumes of participating entities. This often results in more favourable terms, competitive prices (through bulk purchases), and improved conditions with suppliers. Additionally, consortium buying allows organizations to share resources, knowledge, and expertise, fostering a collaborative environment that enhances overall procurement capabilities. By working together, consortium members can collectively address challenges, negotiate strategically, and navigate the procurement landscape more effectively.

However, consortium buying is not without its challenges. A potential disadvantage lies in the complexity of managing a collaborative procurement structure, involving coordination among diverse entities. Achieving consensus on procurement strategies, vendor selection, and contract terms may require considerable effort and compromise. Additionally, individual organizational needs and preferences within the consortium may differ, posing challenges in aligning priorities. It is essential to strike a balance between centralized decision-making and accommodating the specific requirements of each consortium member. Furthermore, the success of consortium buying relies heavily on effective communication and trust among participants. Any breakdown in communication or lack of trust could hinder the collaborative process, impacting the overall efficiency and success of the consortium's procurement endeavours.

Overall, while consortium buying offers notable advantages, its effectiveness is contingent on careful management of collaborative dynamics and effective communication strategies.

Shared Services Procurement Model:

In the shared services procurement model, various departments or business units within a single organization converge under a centralized procurement function. Rather than individual units managing their procurement independently, a dedicated shared services centre is established to provide procurement-related services across the organization. This model facilitates streamlined processes, ensures consistency through standardized procedures, and capitalizes on economies of scale.

One key benefit is the potential for cost savings through economies of scale. By centralizing procurement, the organization can negotiate bulk purchases and standardized contracts, leading to better terms and prices. This consolidation of purchasing power enables the organization to optimize its resources and achieve overall cost efficiency. Additionally, centralized procurement allows for streamlined processes, standardized procedures, and better control over procurement activities. It promotes consistency, reduces redundancy, and ensures adherence to organizational policies and compliance requirements.

However, there are also potential disadvantages to centralized procurement. One notable challenge is the potential for reduced flexibility in meeting the unique needs of individual departments or business units within the organization. Centralization may lead to standardized approaches that might not be well-suited for all units, potentially impacting their specific requirements. Furthermore, the centralization of decision-making can result in increased bureaucracy and longer decision-making processes, potentially slowing down procurement activities. Additionally, there may be resistance from decentralized units that are accustomed to managing their procurement independently. Striking a balance between centralized control and accommodating the diverse needs of various units is crucial for the success of centralized procurement.

In conclusion, both the consortium and shared services procurement models represent strategies to enhance efficiency, realize cost savings, and optimize procurement processes. While the consortium model involves collaboration with external entities, the shared services model centralizes procurement functions within a single organization. The choice between these models depends on the unique goals, structure, and requirements of the organizations involved, each offering distinct advantages in the pursuit of effective procurement management.

Tutor Notes:

- This is from LO 3.3 p.161 onwards. There's quite a bit of information on these hybrid models so there's many ways it can come up as a question. There are different types of consortium, which I didn't go into in the above essay because it wasn't asked for as part of the question, but I'd familiarise yourself with this. Also with the pros and cons of each model, and think about when an organisation may choose this type of model.

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Question 3

Discuss 3 areas of regulation relating to competition that a procurement professional should be aware of (25 points)

Correct : A

How to approach this question

- This question is very vague. Sometimes CIPS do this. It allows for you to be a bit more free in your response, but can also be quite stressful because you don't 100% know what they're after.

- For this question we're looking at competitions, so full tenders where lots of suppliers are invited to bid for an opportunity. This means the type of things we could be discussing include; IP, cartels, merger controls and monopolies.

Example Essay

Procurement professionals operate within a legal framework that regulates competition, aiming to ensure fair business practices and prevent anti-competitive behaviour. Three critical areas of regulation related to competition that procurement professionals should be aware of include intellectual property, cartels, and merger controls.

Intellectual Property (IP):

Intellectual property encompasses creations of the mind, such as inventions, designs, and brand names, protected by law. In the context of procurement, understanding intellectual property is essential when dealing with suppliers' products, technologies, or services that may involve intellectual property rights.

Procurement professionals must be aware of the intellectual property rights associated with the goods or services they are procuring. This includes respecting patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets owned by suppliers. Due diligence is crucial to ensure that the products or services being procured do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, requiring verification of legal ownership and legitimacy. An example of something procurement should look out for include ensuring goods are authentic and not counterfeit.


Cartels involve agreements between competitors to control prices, manipulate markets, or restrict competition. For procurement professionals, it is imperative to be vigilant and avoid engaging in or unintentionally supporting cartel activities. Procurement professionals should refrain from participating in anti-competitive behaviour, such as bid-rigging or price-fixing, which are common cartel activities. This involves not colluding with suppliers or competitors to manipulate procurement processes. Maintaining open and fair competition is essential, ensuring that procurement processes remain transparent, competitive, and free from attempts to distort market dynamics, thereby preventing the formation of cartels and promoting a level playing field.

One notable example involved the construction industry in the UK. In 2019, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) fined three major suppliers to the construction industry for participating in a cartel. The companies, which supplied concrete drainage products, were found to have coordinated their behaviour to share markets, fix prices, and rig bids. The investigation revealed that these companies had breached competition law by engaging in anti-competitive practices that limited competition and negatively impacted customers. The fines imposed were part of the CMA's efforts to deter and penalize such cartel behaviour, emphasizing the importance of fair competition in procurement. The Directors of the companies have also been banned from undertaking the role of Director of any company for 12 years.

Merger Controls:

Merger controls are regulations overseeing the consolidation of companies, mergers, and acquisitions to prevent monopolistic practices and protect fair competition. Procurement professionals need to be aware of these regulations, especially when dealing with suppliers undergoing mergers or acquisitions.

Staying informed about mergers and acquisitions within the supplier base is crucial. If a key supplier undergoes such changes, it may impact the stability of the supply chain or alter market dynamics. Procurement professionals need to be aware of potential changes in supplier relationships, pricing structures, or product/service availability resulting from mergers. Engaging in proactive risk management and contingency planning is necessary to mitigate any negative impacts on procurement operations.

Mergers are actively watched in the UK by the Competition and Markets Authority, and where rules are broken, the CMA can intervene and even prevent mergers from happening. A notable example of this was the attempted merger between JD Sports and Footasylum -- the companies were fined millions of pounds for exchanging information and attempting to collude and distort the marketplace.

In conclusion, procurement professionals play a crucial role in navigating these regulatory landscapes effectively. Understanding intellectual property, avoiding cartel activities, and staying informed about merger controls contribute to fostering fair and transparent competition within the marketplace.

Tutor Notes

- The construction example of a cartel can be found here Supply of precast concrete drainage products: civil investigation - GOV.UK ( but feel free to use your own!

- The JD/ Footasylum one is here: JD Sports and Footasylum fined 4.7m for competition breach - BBC News. Basically, the CMA got involved because the two firms were sharing private information and having secret meetings, with the intention that they could combine. The CMA thought it was super dodgy and that it would distort the trainer / footwear market in the UK so they fined the companies and told them to stop it.

- The study guide is a bit light on this topic, so I would do a bit of extra research and have an example in your back pocket for if you need it. P. 142

If you want an example of IP issues- Shein is a great company to look at- 'They took my world': fashion giant Shein accused of art theft | Art and design | The Guardian

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Question 4

Explain the following terms: outsourced procurement, shared service unit (SSU) and consortium procurement. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to procurement? (25 points)

Correct : A

How to approach this question:

- There are 3 terms and an advantage and disadvantage for each you need to talk about. So that's 9 things. Out of 25 points you can see you'll probably only get 1-2 points for each aspect of the question. That shows you the level of detail you need to include -- not that much!

- In terms of structure feel free to use headings and bullet points for this one

Example Essay

Outsourced procurement, shared service units (SSUs), and consortium procurement are distinct approaches to managing procurement activities within organizations. Each method carries its own set of advantages and disadvantages, catering to different organizational needs and circumstances.

Outsourced Procurement: Outsourced procurement involves engaging a procurement consultant or an external organization to provide advice or handle the entire procurement process on behalf of the company. The advantages of outsourced procurement are that it frees up internal resources, allowing them to focus on other tasks. The expertise and skills brought by external consultants can also fill gaps in the organization's capabilities. Moreover, this approach is flexible, adapting well to irregular procurement needs. However, drawbacks include a potential loss of control, higher costs, the need for an additional management layer, and the risk of losing intellectual property (IP).

Shared Service Unit (SSU): A Shared Service Unit is an internal procurement support function within an organization that various divisions can access for assistance, resembling the outsourcing concept but within the organizational structure. The advantages of SSUs lie in potential cost savings, the ability to aggregate demand, and the establishment of common standards and processes across the company. The expertise utilized is internal, providing a sense of familiarity. The disadvantage is that measuring the success of an SSU can be challenging, and there is a risk of stifling innovation. The unit may also be perceived as remote from end users, and procurement processes might be slower due to serving multiple departments.

Consortium Procurement: Consortium procurement involves a collective effort where separate organizations join forces to purchase goods, thereby increasing their bargaining power. The advantages of this approach are in the aggregated demand, resulting in more economical purchases. Pooling knowledge and expertise within the consortium enhances the collective capabilities of its members, providing a sense of safety in numbers. However, disadvantages include a potential loss of individual organizational power, prolonged decision-making processes within the consortium, challenges in responding quickly to demands, and the potential hindrance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) competing if demand is aggregated.

In conclusion, organizations must carefully consider their specific needs, priorities, and the nature of their procurement requirements when choosing between outsourced procurement, SSUs, or consortium procurement. Each approach offers unique benefits and challenges, and the decision-making process should align with the organization's overall goals and strategies.

Tutor Notes:

- I've named lots of advantages and disadvantages for each of the models. 1-2 advantages and disadvantages of each is all you need to secure you the marks. Remember you only have 35 minutes to write this. A danger with this type of question is spending too long on one aspect of the question and running out of time to answer the rest of it.

- A good idea is to pace yourself and give yourself 10 minutes per term (outsourced, SSU and consortium) then 5 minutes at the end to review and edit your response.

- Some further details you may wish to include:

- Outsourced procurement -- this is often used when the organisation doesn't have the expertise to procure the item they need. This often happens for complex / technical procurements or highly regulated industries. An example may be a housing provider who runs a block of flats where the lift has just broken down and cannot be fixed. They need to procure a new lift but have no idea how to write a specification for this as they don't have the technical knowledge of how lifts work. Hiring a consultant who is experienced in tendering for lifts, although expensive, may actually save money by reducing the risk of procuring the wrong thing.

- SSU -- a Shared Service Unit acts as a support function for the organisation. This is described in Porter's Value Chain- all other departments can call on the SSU when they require assistance. The SSU is responsible for managing its own costs, employs its own resources and may have contractual agreements with other divisions. The main aim of the SSU is to add value. SSUs are common in large organisations where the core activities don't revolve around procurement (such as finance and service industries).

- Consortium -- Consortium buying is encouraged in the public sector in order to maximise value for money. Consortiums can create their own Frameworks. There is a risk that large consortia can abuse their dominant market position.

- LO 3.3 p. 161

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Question 5

What is a Public Sector organisation and what are the main objectives of organisations in the Public Sector? (25 points)

Correct : A

How to approach this question

- For the first part of the question you should look to give a definition of the public sector, think about it's characteristics and give so examples e.g. local government, hospitals, libraries.

- For the second part try to explain 4-5 objectives. Try to remain as broad as you can -- think about objectives that all public sector organisations have in common rather than anything very specific to one organisation, what the question is looking for is the higher level, more broad aims.

Example Essay

A public sector organization, is a branch of government responsible for providing a wide range of services and functions to citizens and communities. It is funded by taxpayers' money and operates under governmental authority at various levels, including federal, state, and local governments. Public sector organizations can encompass government departments, agencies, authorities, and public enterprises. The main objectives of these organizations are multifaceted, aimed at serving the public interest and ensuring the efficient functioning of society. Examples include hospitals, schools and libraries. In this essay, we will explore the primary objectives of public sector organizations: improving services, achieving value for money, supporting communities and social value, and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

Improving Services:

One of the central objectives of public sector organizations is to enhance the quality and accessibility of services provided to the public. These services can range from healthcare and education to transportation and public safety. The focus is on improving the well-being of citizens by ensuring that essential services are accessible, efficient, and responsive to evolving societal needs. For example, public healthcare systems aim to deliver high-quality medical services to all citizens, striving to reduce health disparities and provide equitable care.

Value for Money:

Public sector organizations are entrusted with the responsible and efficient use of public funds. Achieving value for money is a critical objective, ensuring that taxpayer money is spent wisely and that resources are allocated efficiently. Government agencies are tasked with optimizing budgets, reducing waste, and delivering services in a cost-effective manner. For instance, public infrastructure projects must be designed and executed to maximize benefits while minimizing costs and delays.

Supporting Communities and Social Value:

Public sector organizations play a pivotal role in supporting communities and generating social value. This objective involves initiatives and policies aimed at fostering community well-being, economic development, and social cohesion. It includes activities such as urban planning, affordable housing initiatives, and community development programs. By focusing on supporting communities, public sector organizations contribute to the overall betterment of society, creating opportunities and improving the quality of life for residents. In the UK it is a legal requirement for all large public sector contracts to consider Social Value, in line with the Social Value Act 2012.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI):

Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion is another fundamental objective of public sector organizations. These organizations are tasked with ensuring that all citizens are treated fairly and have equal access to opportunities and services. This objective encompasses anti-discrimination policies, diversity hiring practices, and programs that address societal inequalities. Public sector entities strive to create environments where individuals of diverse backgrounds can thrive and participate fully in public life, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or other characteristics.

In conclusion, public sector organizations serve as key agents in addressing societal needs and promoting the common good. Their objectives encompass improving services, achieving value for money, supporting communities and social value, and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). By pursuing these objectives, public sector organizations contribute to the welfare and development of society, ensuring that public resources are utilized efficiently and equitably. They play a vital role in shaping the overall well-being and progress of their respective communities and nations.

Tutor Notes

- The study guide talks about the main objective of the public sector as being 'to improve services'. This is true, but in reality, the public sector may be the only people providing that service. They may be providing a service that the private sector can't or won't because it's simply not profitable. An example is the Forestry Commission which looks at protecting forests and conducting research on forests. No private sector organisation is going to do that because there's simply no money in it.

- With a lot of public sector organisations there are competing private sector organisations, just look at medical care and the rise of private health insurance. Same with transport. This essay doesn't ask you to talk about this, and it is outside of the scope of the study guide but it's an interesting observation: traditionally the aim of the public sector was to serve the public, nowadays it's actually competing with private sector organisations to do this!

- Social Value Act for anyone who's not familiar: Social Value Act: information and resources - GOV.UK (

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