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Curious about Actual CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations (L3M5) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CIPS Socially Responsible Procurement (L3M5) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations (L3M5) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Herman E Daly, an ecological economist, wrote that 'there is something fundamentally wrong in treating XXXX as if it were a business in liquidation'. What is XXXX?

Correct : D

The correct answer is 'The Earth'.

In other words, we should stop plundering the Earth's resources carelessly.

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Question 2

One of the learning outcomes (also called 'assessment criteria' or 'indicative content') for this course is 'Defining organisational value for money to include social outcomes -- such as the use of local labour and participation of XXX and / or YYY groups'. Replace XXX and YYY with which words?

Correct : C

Disadvantaged / minority.

It is possible to deliver value for money in a socially responsible way - indeed some advocates sug-gest that business performance can be radically improved by implementing measures such as em-ploying disadvantaged people, as diversity, motivation, retention, etc factors come into play.

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Question 3

The letters 'ETI' stand for:

Correct : D

Ethical Trading Initiative - an alliance of companies, NGOs and trade unions to promote respect for worker's rights worldwide. CIPS has published guidance in an 'ethical business practices..' paper to assist with organisations selecting and using ethical suppliers. The paper is downloadable from the CIPS website's Knowledge Summary series.

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Question 4

How many litres of water does it take to produce one kilogram of cotton according to estimates quoted in the Profex textbook for this subject?

Correct : B

Almost unbelievably, it is 20,000 (twenty thousand) litres.

Water is a scarce resource in many parts of the world, so sustainable thinking might ask: 'Is this the best use of resources?'. Are people in the developed world entitled to 'fast fashion' t-shirts?

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Question 5

Which two of these fuel types for cars are considered to be green?

Correct : A, C

Petrol / gasoline and diesel are definitely not green.

Hydrogen and electricity are widely regarded as being green, although a case can be made, on closer inspection, for these fuels to be not quite as green as they are painted.

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