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Curious about Actual CIMA Professional Qualification (CIMAPRO19-P03-1) Exam Questions?

Here are sample CIMA P3 Risk Management (CIMAPRO19-P03-1) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more CIMA Professional Qualification (CIMAPRO19-P03-1) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Smalltown had a problem with people parking cars on the town's mam shopping streets instead of in the nearby car parks The parked cars created congestion and made it difficult for delivery vehicles to unload Smalltown's local government had employed traffic wardens to enforce parking regulations by issuing parking fines to motorists who parked for more than the permitted 30 minutes.

The local government took further action to deal with this problem It banned parking on the busiest streets, it introduced parking charges in the remaining streets and it made it free to park m the town's car parks for up to two hours Fewer people now park cars on the streets because of the charges, but those who do generate significant revenues for the local government Fewer traffic wardens are required and so wage costs have reduced

The local goverment auditors have decided to carry out a value for money audit of the parking system

Which of the following is a measure of effectiveness?

Correct : A

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Question 2

The acronym VPN stands for.

Correct : B

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Question 3

With regard to the rote of the audit committee which of the following statements are correct? Select ALL that apply

Correct : D, E, F

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Question 4

WTW is a global company which produces high-tech equipment such as smart televisions and mobile phones The CFO has just resigned, having been offered a post at a competitor The CFO was well regarded and WTWs share price has fallen in response to the announcement

At a board meeting the production director commented that the share price fall is the fault of the nomination committee

Which THREE of the following statements are correct?

Correct : A, C, D

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Question 5

HGY is a major global corporation that has decided to implement the COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework and integrate management practices throughout the organisation

Which THREE of the following would be appropriate for HGY?

Correct : B, E, F

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