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Curious about Actual Business Architecture Guild Certified Business Architect (CBA) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Business Architecture Guild Certified Business Architect (CBA) Program (CBA) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Business Architecture Guild Certified Business Architect (CBA) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

In a business architecture context, changes to facilities and equipment:

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Question 2

What is the impact of corporate governance on business architecture?

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Question 3

What is a key factor in an organization's ability to transform itself in a business architecture context?

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Question 4

How should a business architecture practitioner engage stakeholders to respond to an in flight initiative that does not align with a new company strategy?

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Question 5

What provides the strongest indication of misaligned projects when performing an analysis of potential initiatives supporting a common strategy?

Correct : B

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