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Curious about Actual Blue Prism Associate Developer (ASDEV01) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Blue Prism Certified Associate Developer (ASDEV01) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Blue Prism Associate Developer (ASDEV01) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Which of the following are examples of a Business Exception? (Select ail items which apply)

Correct : A, B

These are examples of business exceptions, which are exceptions that occur due to business rules or data validation issues. The other options are examples of system exceptions, which are exceptions that occur due to technical issues or unexpected events in the application or environment. Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2021-05/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Associate%20Developer%20-%20Certification%20Overview_0.pdf (page 15)

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Question 2

Examine the following recover flow taken from a Blue Prism Process:

ASDEV01 Exam Question 2 Exhibit 1

The 'Exception Detail' data item has no initial value and has a data type of text

The Calculation stage "Save Exception Detail' will output the current exception detail to the 'Exception Detail' data item

What expression would you use in the 'Save Exception Detail' stage to achieve this?

Correct : A

This is the correct expression to use in the calculation stage to output the current exception detail to the data item. It uses the built-in object CurrentException and its property Detail to get the value of the exception detail. Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2021-05/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Associate%20Developer%20-%20Certification%20Overview_0.pdf (page 15)

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Question 3

Unhandled Exceptions will travel up through the Process eventually to the Main Page which will cause the Process to terminate What term is used to describe this behaviour?

Correct : C

This is the correct term used to describe the behavior of unhandled exceptions traveling up through the process until they reach the main page. The other options are either incorrect or describe different aspects of exception handling. Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2021-05/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Associate%20Developer%20-%20Certification%20Overview_0.pdf (page 15)

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Question 4

Examine the following Blue Prism Process diagram which is from the Main Page of a Process:

ASDEV01 Exam Question 4 Exhibit 1

The Process current stage is the 'Perform Calculation' stage.

The 'Perform Calculation' stage has Exception Handling to resolve all Exceptions within the same Page

What would happen if you click on Step Over or press F10?

Correct : B

This is the correct outcome of clicking on Step Over or pressing F10 when the current stage is a page stage. It will execute all the logic on that page and then move to the next stage on the main page. The other options are either incorrect or describe different scenarios. Reference: https://portal.blueprism.com/sites/default/files/2021-05/Blue%20Prism%20Certification%20-%20Associate%20Developer%20-%20Certification%20Overview_0.pdf (page 11)

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Question 5

Which of the following values are valid Blue Prism Control Room session status values'?

Correct : A, C, D, E, F

They indicate the current state of a process session that is being executed by a digital worker. The other options are either invalid or not related to session status. Reference: https://bpdocs.blueprism.com/bp-6-10/en-us/helpDebug.htm?TocPath=Interface%7CStudio%7CProcess%20studio%7C_____7 (page 3)

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