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Curious about Actual BCS Software Testing (ISEB-SWTINT1) Exam Questions?

Here are sample BCS Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing (ISEB-SWTINT1) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more BCS Software Testing (ISEB-SWTINT1) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What is beta testing?

Correct : B

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Question 2

What determines the level of risk?

Correct : D

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Question 3

Given the following state transition diagram

ISEB-SWTINT1 Exam Question 3 Exhibit 1

Which of the following series of state transitions contains an INVALID transition which may indicate a fault in the system design?

Correct : C

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Question 4

Which of the following is a MAJOR task of test implementation and execution?

Correct : B

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Question 5

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of specification based (black-box) techniques?

Correct : C

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