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Curious about Actual ASQ CQE (CQE) Exam Questions?

Here are sample ASQ Quality Engineer (CQE) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more ASQ CQE (CQE) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

If a sample size of 16 yields an average of 12 and standard deviation of 3, estimate the 95% confidence interval for the population (assume a normal distribution).

CQE Exam Question 1 Exhibit 1

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Question 2

A two-way analysis of variance has r levels for one variable and c levels for the second variable with 2 observations per cell. The degree of freedom for interaction is

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Question 3

The difference between setting alpha equal to 0.05 and alpha equal to 0.01 in hypothesis testing is

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Question 4

In nonparametric statistics:

. No assumptions are made concerning the distribution from which the samples are taken.

. The parameters of the distribution do not relate to the parameters of the sample.

. The sample and the distribution must have no parameters in common.

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Question 5

The value for t, when making a two-tailed paired t test, with samples of 13 and alpha =0.05, is

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