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Curious about Actual Arista Certified Engineering Associate (ACE-A1.2) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Arista Certified Engineering Associate (ACE-A1.2) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Arista Certified Engineering Associate (ACE-A1.2) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

What is the benefit of the watch diff CLI command?

Correct : D

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Question 2

How might you guarantee the order of operation for multiple Event-Manager event-handlers should they trigger at the same time?

Correct : C

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Question 3

What are the three types of LANZ updates?

Correct : B

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Question 4

Which of the following are valid interpreters with which to write ZTP scripts?

Correct : B

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Question 5

What distribution of Linux is EOS 4.14.1F built upon?

Correct : B

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