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Curious about Actual Alibaba ACP (ACP-Cloud1) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Alibaba ACP Cloud Computing Certification (ACP-Cloud1) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Alibaba ACP (ACP-Cloud1) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Alibaba Cloud Server Load Balancer (SLB) provides services for distributing traffic among multiple ECS instances SLB can expand the application system's service capacity through traffic distribution, and improve the system's availability by eliminating SPoFs (Single Points of Failure). Which of the following statements are correct? (Number of correct answers; 2)

Correct : A, D

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Question 2

A large enterprise wants to migrate the entire business system to Alibaba Cloud to save the overall IT procurement and O&M costs From the security aspect, the company requires that

1. Must support secured remote O&M because the administrator often takes business trips.

2. Networks between subsystems should be isolated because subsystems are independently used by different departments Which of the followings should be used together to meet the company's requirements? (Number of correct answers: 3)

Correct : A, B, D

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Question 3

Before data communication is setup, the security groups match the security group rules one by one to query whether to allow access requests Assume that the user has created two security group rules 1 and 2 The protocol type, port range, authorization type, and authorization object of the two security group rules are the same. The difference is that Rule 1 is a denial policy, rule 2 is an allowed policy, so the following statement is correct_______ (Number of correct answers 2)

Correct : A, C

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Question 4

Company A constructed a sales management platform using three Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. One of the instances runs MySQL, and is used as the database server. The other two instances are used as Web servers After some time, the number of employees in Company A dramatically increases, leading to higher sales volumes At the same time, the platform response speed is gradually decreasing too.

According to the report from CloudMonitor, the average CPU utilization rate of the two Web servers exceeds 70%, and database load

reaches 75% Company A can select Alibaba Cloud_________ services.to cope with the issue and optimize the performance. (Number of correct answers: 2)

Correct : B, D

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Question 5

When a customer uses Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) service and finds there exist an amount of Internet downstream traffic, he/she can use Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to reduce the traffic cost.

Because the Internet traffic cost of CDN is lower than that of OSS, moreover, the back-to-source traffic cost from CDN to OSS is also lower than a user access to OSS directly.

Correct : A

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