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Curious about Actual Alibaba ACA (ACA-Cloud1) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing Associate (ACA-Cloud1) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Alibaba ACA (ACA-Cloud1) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

Cloud disks are reliable because they use to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.

Correct : A

An ECS disk can be used jointly or separately to meet the requirements of different application scenarios. ECS disks are categorized into ephemeral SSD disks and cloud disks. Compared with ephemeral SSD disks, cloud disks are more reliable as they use a triplicate distributed system to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.

http://docs-aliyun.cn-hangzhou.oss.aliyun-inc.com/pdf/ecs-product-introduction-intl-en-2017-03- 24.pdf

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Question 2

Company builds a music download website based on OSS and ECS, and users can download mp3 files

after registering for the website. Recently, the public network traffic to the OSS has doubled but the increase of registered users is less than 10%. After in-depth analysis, engineers find that many user download requests are raised from search engine but not the website itself. In this case, which of the following measures is thought to be able to address this issue.

Correct : C

http://static-aliyun-doc.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/download/pdf/DNOSS11828897_en- US_intl_190202150837_public_b55986256a50380c526a35e863023ec9.pdf (55)

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Question 3

Which of the following statements is true for RDS?

Correct : A


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Question 4

Auto Scaling is a management service that can automatically adjust elastic computing resources based on your business needs and policies. It supports adding existing ECS instances into the scaling group, whose status however must be .

Correct : A

http://static-aliyun-doc.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/download/pdf/DNESS1876951_en- US_intl_181115175025_public_176152014821b385708e5290da11a0fe.pdf (14)

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Question 5

Your friend purchases some Alibaba Cloud resources and uses them to build an online training website. Before the site goes online, your friend wants to perform some performance tests but doesn't know how to do it. In this case, which of the following services can help?

Correct : A


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