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Curious about Actual Adobe Magento Commerce (AD0-E704) Exam Questions?

Here are sample Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect (AD0-E704) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more Adobe Magento Commerce (AD0-E704) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

You have created a new gateway payment method. You configured the command pool in a di. xml file and added the MyCompany\MyModule\Gateway\Command\Sale command with the name sale to it. Your Sale command extends the Magento\Payment\Gateway\Command\GatewayCommand class.

You have also created a payment_action option in the system configuration and set the value to authorize_capture.

You found the sale command is never called when placing an order.

Which action will fix the problem?

Correct : C

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Question 2

You have a task to show a new EAV attribute of the customer entity on the customer_account_create form. Assume that the attribute already exists and its name is custom_attribute.

How do you add it to the form using a Data Patch script?

Correct : C

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Question 3

You have a task to modify the grand total on the checkout page with a negative price adjustment which depends on the shipping address postcode. What are two approaches to be used in this case?

Correct : A, C

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Question 4

You are implementing a custom module MyCompany_MyModule which displays a new link in the Action column in the Orders grid. The purpose of this link is to synchronize the order summary data with an ERP system. You must make permissions to use this link manageable with the Magento ACL.

Which two steps are required to do this?

Correct : B, C

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Question 5

You are working on a new feature to allow multiple vendors for various products. To display vendors you add a custom fieldset component and select with the name myCompanyVendors. It will be shown if the number of vendors is more than one.

To do this you implement a custom method on your component:

AD0-E704 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 1

How do you cause the method to be called when the value of options change?


AD0-E704 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 2


AD0-E704 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 3


AD0-E704 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 4


AD0-E704 Exam Question 5 Exhibit 5

Correct : B

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